Sunday, 9 February 2025

At my end

When the end has come
I will be forgotten  
One or two will mourn for a week
others may relinquish speech
most will not cry when I die
Continue on without wondering; why? 
So, forget my life without a stutter
don’t think of me, I do not matter
only one thing, I have to ask
a very small useful task
it will not help me but can help you
open the New Testament, a page will do
read a small verse of scripture song
pray the Lord’s Prayer & follow on.


A Viking with an axe cutting through skin
killing for gold, even one’s own kin
invading lands in shallow low boats
sails of red and white from the blood of goats
strength in their core, vicious in war
excited by death from blood and gore
one may be asked ‘what did you come here for ?’
he answers -
- “to plough your fields and take some more”.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Swim an ocean

A wonderful human with so much to give
friendly face finds a reason to live
helpful and kind to the very core
inspirational gift, what others go there for
if they were half of what she is today
they’d sleep through winter 
then wake up in may

Friday, 7 February 2025


I dream of a Tesla; diamonds and pearls
holding of love with clothing furled
to be a king with the power to kill
or choose to live without the thrill

I dream of a day when slaves are free
live in a hut cut from a tree
thousands in a hive as little bees
not a worry so long as we are free

don’t be afraid of the knock at your door 
open it up to give them what for
don’t get up to be a bore
Jump out of bed, shout out …….. I’m fucked! 
to the Core! 

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Deep in Passion

Thy heart festers for her to be my bride
A testimony of thou sour lives in one
We devour everything that ist’ good
Rain doth not wash away the stench
There is beauty in the tears of love
Wicked are the ways to steal a mind
Crying tears from a bleeding heart
Gathering imagination in a crystal vase
Beautifully capturing all in a maze - meant
Keeping the love that has not been sent
A soft prayer to answer secret dreams
Let us entwine in a passionate embrace
surely we need not open anymore wine
Can we not lay together to feast? one more time.

Monday, 3 February 2025

The Discovery

The need to forgive the child in me, cast
trouble and blame, the reason I was last
my struggle with Kak-handed ways
non-ability to learn and play; in a band
feckless or thick, people would say
unable to join in a team to play
thought; no one wanted me in, every day 
low in esteem, useless though keen
never realising what could have been
having inner intellect 
openly stupid; what others saw
under a cloud of dark misty swirls of war
no one likes a boy; quiet and meak 
softly gentle, who appears very weak
yet, an internal strength, that could not speak
wishing to be dead for so many years
a thousand hurts with too many tears
yet, many reasons to happily cheer
children for one, grandchildren too
a wish to unravel a mind to chew
concoction of worries in a blended stew
it’s a little too late, discovery is found
a confident twit, whose mind is not sound
have to keep going with feet on the ground
cannot promise much but to be around
until a cure comes late, yet somehow found 

Friday, 31 January 2025

Peace; for a moment!

I saw the flowers, the wonderous fields
I saw the rabbits enjoying their meals
there sat an owl in a high up branch 
so serene while I ate my lunch

Twas’ ten minutes of an unexpected day 
peace and quiet in a the countryside way
I lay on the grass, no reason or rhyme why
a touch of amazement as I followed the sky

I hadn’t  known peace like that ten minutes before
listening to twittering of the sparrows guffaw 
a warm sun shone, down on my soul
I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole

To be eternal in this scene of tranquillity 
somehow advanced myself in one’s ability
walk away now, then all has gone
yet, the memory of that moment lingers on.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...