Friday, 13 December 2024

year 11 Breathe for now

You cannot do it”, show them that you can
“you are too young to know”, teaches the inner man
“You will never achieve”, you will if you believe
“you are a loser” a challenge from a user
take the challenge and be a chooser
refuse to be the person they see
You will lose sometimes, winning is not free
keep striving on until you see victory 
it will come one day, be patient and you will see!

 “You can be the person you want to be”

Caring Wishes - Pat Hines.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Waiting in the Rain

Looking through the windscreen
at the pitter patter of condensed wet
thinking rain rain go away again; yet,
here it is to dampen the reflections of life
getting prepared for the long drive
wet feet from a puddle splash

A baby cries in the distance 
comforted by his loving German mummy
then silence as he is pursuaded with a dummy
not understanding her speak 
though it was a loving tone she used
he will surely sleep on the way home

clump, clump, the rear passenger doors slam
bang, an end to the restful moment of release
cacophony of rap covered chit chat ending peace
accompanied not acknowledging existence 
turning on dab, ‘country’ radio for pleasure
a cocktail of sounds combine to the measure

listening to thoughts along the way
concentrating on which direction is best
so absurd, not a word spoken in jest
they, refusing to wear coats, opting for wet
still it could be worse teenagers we get
another car hydroplanes across the road in front

Forty five minutes of splashing wheels
a situation of mixed emotion a sentient feels
how an instant reflection can alter a mind
changing a moment of; hard to kind’
‘so how did it go’ I gently asked
not a word of reply, a nod of headphone look

home in time for an omelette still!
munching a nourishingly enjoyed meal
clean the plates, decorate the tree
then settle down to watch TV
finally dry what a day we’ve had
strictly first, cannot be bad

half hour more, a nod and a snore
that is what hard days are for
or was it the week of settling down?
with a fixed on smile, a look of a clown
thunderous wind, a dream and awake
cold in the limbs, for goodness sake

Friday, 6 December 2024

Mother Loves

Born to be a star he did not have to go far
cherished as a baby, loved as a child
love given readily, everything desired 
mammothreptive existence crazy and wild
a dangerous teenager demands a just
everything gotten must be a must
what could not be had could be got
mumma wiped his nose covered in snot
theft is a must to survive on a crust
stealing a car hidden by the rust
drugs were the ticket to an ill gotten gain
made enough money to holiday in Spain
arrested at the airport not to visit again
to him it did not matter, if it’s all the same
caught in a mall, by the fountain in the hall
shoppers listening to the music played by the band
stealing an iPad from a delivering van
surrounded by police with gun in hand
the TV news said as he gunned people down
a wrong kind of star completely out of control
inexplicably sad became overthrown 
the police shot the boy who is now in a hole
mum wept hard she could do for him no more
never knowing the reason or what Kalma is for

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Scary Wind

The winds are raging away, an angry storm
birds are cowering from the danger abreast 
trees are frightened of dangerous deathly snaps
fences are barely standing on concrete posts
Pets in hutches of destructive taps
there has been a few this year
not much sun then again not much cheer
maybe soon summer will bring some
along with it some fun and lots of beer

Don’t confuse a sentence

Don’t get caught
Out, for the night all
Night, is too short to
Sleep, in tomorrow 
Instead, go to the 
Circus, is full of 
Clowns, are deranged
Lunatics in the
Asylum of life
Long live America the 
Greatest was Mohammed 
Ali ran the lecture about
Elvis was the

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

L. 2 B E….vil

Evil is in the vein developed in the brain
It does not adorn the heart given to us 
or from the line with which we came
poisoning the blood 
from evil we have seen or gained 


If I can give… a moment

If I can write words to heal a heart
to help someone else’s pain depart
if I can offer joy to a little child
give them a lift to be happy & calm
not over anxiously wild
have fun in the days to come
a positive outlook of joyful fun
if I can die for others to live
then I can go quietly without worry
In a peaceful sleep
to have blessings in my soul to keep

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...