Thursday, 5 December 2024

Scary Wind

The winds are raging away, an angry storm
birds are cowering from the danger abreast 
trees are frightened of dangerous deathly snaps
fences are barely standing on concrete posts
Pets in hutches of destructive taps
there has been a few this year
not much sun then again not much cheer
maybe soon summer will bring some
along with it some fun and lots of beer

Don’t confuse a sentence

Don’t get caught
Out, for the night all
Night, is too short to
Sleep, in tomorrow 
Instead, go to the 
Circus, is full of 
Clowns, are deranged
Lunatics in the
Asylum of life
Long live America the 
Greatest was Mohammed 
Ali ran the lecture about
Elvis was the

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

L. 2 B E….vil

Evil is in the vein developed in the brain
It does not adorn the heart given to us 
or from the line with which we came
poisoning the blood 
from evil we have seen or gained 


If I can give… a moment

If I can write words to heal a heart
to help someone else’s pain depart
if I can offer joy to a little child
give them a lift to be happy & calm
not over anxiously wild
have fun in the days to come
a positive outlook of joyful fun
if I can die for others to live
then I can go quietly without worry
In a peaceful sleep
to have blessings in my soul to keep

Poem of Bart shape (kind of)

A Rut is similar to a Rat with a ‘U’ instead of an ‘A’
living off scrapings left behind
No improvement of any kind
a Hamster stuck on its wheel 
round in circles 🥶 on a pleasure thrill
fragility in blindness forgone the kindness
take away the heat, eat seed not meat
three blind mice, there is one with a cane
Tick, Tock, Tick, up the clock again
dreadful goes the thought
when the creature comes
You are once again caught
all that saving for nought
See the pattern
begins the face with a Bart 
looking for a start
you cannot see
for looking at

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Time to Fly

Passing the most wonderful years of my life 
four years and four months to be precise
such a wonderful place to behold
troubled in mind, yet everything concise 
doing my best for Van, Gillian & Callum 
losing my heart on love not Valium 
Ryan my friend, Ryan my boss 
Colin’s friendship, he is a loss 
the wind brought change that did not suit 
Moving along without the boot 
if things did not change they stay the same 
all my friends not one to blame
time to go, make a change in life
not even a word to my lovely wife 
feeling sad and a little blue
Jade & Carolyn, Lisa too 
thinking of the young that grew and grew
forever more I’ll think of you. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

The Robin

A Robin flew down from a local tree
while I sat on a bench musing history 
it decided to land ever so close
Staring at me with a knowing pose 
I gave a morsel of seed from my bread
the Robin ate well, until it was fed
a little chirp later flutter away
be great to see it again some day

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...