Thursday, 1 February 2024

A Government tricks

Swindon to Gloucester, Earth to Mars
Much less pollution, less of them cars
Smokeless theme lowering torture 
Clearly blinded from an unseen future
Mum and Father have to work
They cannot claim tax from a washer woman’s dirt
Both parents pay, what about the young
Put them In an institution for working class scum
One earn for the bills, one earns for Taxsome money left for Mc’ds, to feed little MaxFollow the dream keep the filthy richThen sit down and, think!Ain’t life such a bitch!. 

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Deeply red dread

Auburn hair with a ruby streak
eyes of green enticingly unique
Twas the moment a glimpse of hell
to fall deeply into the devils spell

Capture a snare and cut the heel
unable to alter the way ‘o’ feel
but it was many a year ago
when twice as stupid and twice as bold

Etching arm was a gritty mistake
Lines on the face and a deep heartache
if I didn’t die then, then there’s been a mistake
the baby unborn was yours to take

Cirencester Parish Church

The story of this church is a mesmerising tale
It tells of gods own treasured gem 
a cup of pure wine here flows
a brightly wondrous past gone by
young people rest an age and nigh
they were so very young to die.

Voices of angel boys and men
who practice strongly on and then
sing a heavenly hallelujah hymn
then back to school they curse and sin
forgive them lord for; all begin
a heavenly place to give and bring

The flag is raised a king renewed
the earl of bath is long since past
regularly passes the market square
51 transport arriving there
historically once I was the man
Who brought dissimilar ones to town

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Your way through

When life becomes brighter expect the hit
when all is going right, something turns shit
if it happens then chew down on the bit
take hold of the reigns to get past it

Challenge the unappeasable that holds you down
through a different direction without a frown
if you are feeling low, and depressed 
enter a new challenge without the stress

Usually things go wrong as life appears right
there must be something, that sparkles bright 
a single thing to give one hope 
a little bit of love to help you cope

If at the end you cannot find
a reason to live, confused or blind
close your eyes then try and find
the one thing left that you’ve left behind 

Look for the good and it’s the good you’ll find. 

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

On the Beautiful Blue Danube

Not feeling it today, the world can go away
Not feeling it today, with the world in dismay 
chaos reigns supreme, the devil in his scheme
There is no escape from the Bay of Biscay to the cape
Israel in the east and Gaza in the west
when peace will come along, no one can guess
at rest in my bed sleeping soundly from the news
regretfully shaken with the blues
a single escape sets my soul at ease
travelling through space gathering my needs
at last arriving by shinrarta dezhra 
shivering a cold so deep from the never
Jameson’s Memorial a wonderful sight to see
beauty of the Blue Danube as in a memory
an elegant waltz to welcome us all home
onto Sol, the Earth and Rome.
in a land of freedom with love and no war
then back to space, well that’s what dreams are for. 

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Painfully Sane

Through the struggle of caring bleed
cooperation is conceived 
take a moment to breath
from the pressurisation of greed

am I about to implode, from this world I concede
emotionally struck deeply incensed within! 
I cannot consume this torture o’more
still I say good morning with a with a smile or grin
I want it to end, the strife that I am in

In pain each day, am miserable, not desired
tears held back, torturous brain, ecliptically sane
if I am free from these chains would I come here again?
I scream and cry, yet I try to hide
the hurt is too deep to pretend; I am so tired

it’s a dead give away, people not sure what to say
they go quiet and idle away, just another day
Irrelevant consummation as ‘king James’ once said
alone in this torture with nowhere to go
No one to talk with just a black hole

Thursday, 12 October 2023

The fog

Words are spoken. Not necessarily true
stories are foretold about me and you
“He’s always late”, she doesn’t eat
Unless it’s some cheese and a plate full of meat
irrelevant rubbish, neither truth nor very sweet 

Work hard for years, not a thank you in sight
give all your time, strength and your might 
wonder if one day be recognised for your worth
instead of your belly of carbs 
and your exaggerated girth

Is it really worth it? never been til your gone
bullied through school and 60 years on 
lies are more telling than years of hard slog
beaten to the ground like an uncared for dog
never will see the trees through all of the fog

Gregariousness is a fake kind of me
hidden from view is where I’m comfortably 
alone in the world created from fear
never let it be shown this emotional tear
you’ll always see me happy without any care. 

no one person can help the struggle you feel
a climb can be lonely and always up hill
just keep on going to reach your goals end
through life or through death 
One day, your struggle will end

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...