Friday, 8 September 2023

The earth

Scores of souls crawling tormented begging for a righteous end with a fortuitous future. 
The only hope of freedom drawn out of the dream from a bloody leaking suture.

Corruption in the air, everywhere around 
ghouls of evil leeches dwelling in the ground
a small group born to travel disregarding law
follow the messy trails of shit, ever forging war 
tiny cracks of road ahead beg what is it for?

Masters of deception in thousands pound suits 
over zealous greed deception of the poor
thousands of the elderly, murdered by the score
move them to the danger zone
show them what it’s for

balance the books, money under the mattress 
society destructively broken, confusion in its wake
hear the thunder roar, feel the ground shake
hurt yourself again to feel if your awake


Just an idea to give the few people who read my eye burning poetry, I wake each morning to face another day, hard to do but everyone has to do it. 
I am living in what I feel is a wonderful world with the nature of gods earth.
 although I am too sensitive for this living,  I have unfortunately experienced the worst of people and seen the best but very few times. I am disturbed by war and greed, I am hurt by what I read in the newspaper of children being hurt and elderly mistreated, I am angry by the corruption of politicians, just one decision can alter or destroy so many lives, also the treatment of people less well off or unemployed how can society care so little?.
I cannot change what has become and it doesn’t get any better, perhaps why I live my life with depression, I love it when the sun shines but I cannot feel the happiness it brings, I don’t want to live but I don’t want to die. I write to deal with this disturbance.
I live in hope this will change and pray suffering is less for all. I am a working man and always have been, I show no contempt for those that have done well or those that have tried but no one has helped them be the person they would like to be, in my experience one cannot always achieve alone! 
Be good to each other and remember everyone needs love, if it means hurting someone to forge ahead then don’t do it. ‘Be kind while you climb’
Take care

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Notting Hill Carnival

A wonderful spectacle for all to see
joyful occasion without the need for weed
enjoy goat curry with fragrant rice
baked up dumplings that taste very nice
Jamaican patties deliciously yum
Hear the music, melodious steel drum
beautiful colours so wonderfully done,
Make your luck to see your chosen truck
it’s a get together for love and joy
throw the knives in the bin
save the life of a mothers boy
make what you see, be mellow and free
grow tall and as strong as a grand oak tree. 
be better than them with illness of will
Notting Hill is a carnival of happiness to fill

Unanswered Questions

I wonder will this sickness ever stop, will I ever have enough money to shop?, will my heart hurt forever?
will It destroy the good there is around or n…..
I, hoping we could cure this together

a mystery berates a person with lowered esteem
a confounding act of poor management it seems,
Why a destructive force within exists 
I have found very little joy that lasts or gives

I pray there is something warm to inspire better 
love forever in you, not weakening or shattered 
yet I am asking far too much to hold you again
for like a delicate flower, petals would fall
as rain, followed by my tears 

strength is a thing that I once knew well enough
now I am clothed in weakness and destitution 
I fear my heart and soul, will never know a resolution 
I could end it now without shame, stop confusion

my god why not allow such a hurtful act of self?
I ask without any meritorious objection 
then again I wait and on reflection……. 
hope to see the clouds dissipate for sun. 

Friday, 14 July 2023

Teddy bear

 A window of light in a long dark tunnel  You were born a miracle boy, a spectacular joy
 a child is always a beautiful thing 
You were no exception, my heart in song did sing
proudness overspilled, but I miss you too much
now I have slipped, and once again am falling down 
The slippery slope with a cloud and a frown
I outwardly show that everything is alright
yet I’m dead inside and have no more fight
I ask ‘will this be my final intervention?’
to disappear without a mention
It’s wrong to be self absorbed 
I wish I could stop it yet I cannot of course.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Just Forget

Forget the pictures, the times in life
forget the moments, forget your wife 
forget the turmoil , disasters hand
forget your childhood in another land
forget your talent that made you great
forget your children, forget your mates
a tortured future is what you will find
The joy has gone, love is unkind
Forget the photographs, forget those times
there is no future for a damaged mind.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Choices to make

In a postcode war, integration of vile 
if only the choice would be, to wait a while
imagine a moment to stop and think
drop the knife, drugs and drink
save the future lives of at least two young men
drug fiends going nowhere, then again! 

Thursday, 11 May 2023


I feel the music, it’s in my soul 
filling a gaping hole
prancing and dancing as if by magic
the story is a sound that moves me far away
then melancholy it stirs my emotions to sway
I weep as it captures my all, in tender heart
joy is at an end before again it starts

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...