Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Choices to make

In a postcode war, integration of vile 
if only the choice would be, to wait a while
imagine a moment to stop and think
drop the knife, drugs and drink
save the future lives of at least two young men
drug fiends going nowhere, then again! 

Thursday, 11 May 2023


I feel the music, it’s in my soul 
filling a gaping hole
prancing and dancing as if by magic
the story is a sound that moves me far away
then melancholy it stirs my emotions to sway
I weep as it captures my all, in tender heart
joy is at an end before again it starts

The sky fell

Temperate disease, iradical power
Alters delightfull to bitter and sour
the question on humanity’s lips
‘where were you, when it fell’ 

A moment of peace or peaceful desire
Left in a quandary, impeccable choir
The sky so vivid with burning colour
momentarily blind, an explosion of fire

Crows lay around with a deathly hope
remaining carcass, immovable scrub soap
all is well, yet there’s darkness inside
contradicting action, posthumously hide

The largest flower most beautiful bloom
brings the finality far too soon
crest of dust, mighty throne
peaceful surge, though not for long

Ineluctable darkness in the glorious sun
shrouded in a cloak of what’s to come
some will simply wonder why
was it a message from heaven or hell? 
others will never forget when the sky fell.

Friday, 5 May 2023

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Silent reminder

a long queue of traffic at temporary lights 
rain briskly falling on the windscreen 
swish a swish the wipers sweep
drowning out the buzz I keep
clattering a pitter patter
screeching rubber thudding stop
hoot from the car behind 
waking from the trance, I hop
noise returning, no escape
the sound at night, a wee awake
deep loss of joy is my pay and stake

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Spring awake

Enlightenment of spring, 
burst into early existence reaching for a peek at the sky 
fragility of a slim stalk begging why?
a beautiful hue of yellow trumpeted fragility 
singularly is sparsely weak
in mass a chorus doth speak

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Fitting in

If I have to be a conformist it’s with a rebellious ache
fitting in, within the line, 
I feel an eruption and a quake
denying freedom beguiles in me, 
a catastrophic shake
nightmares are so frightening 
yet even worse, while I am awake

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...