Do not Look for me in the flowers, the sky up above
A warm caress of love to your little girl pup
a Red breast Robin, comes quite near
gives a knowing look without any fear
I will not be a ghost wandering around
In the house there, I will not be found
I am not the the touch on your shoulder
the sound you heard jumping on the bed
I will not switch on the tv or open the shed
For god loved the world, he gave his only son
That whoever believes in him will be in heaven
Do not look for my reflection in the glass
I will be in heaven, probably sitting on my arse
do not cry for me for long, you will see me again Do not look for me for long, an angel I will send I’m not here on earth, I am gone.
I will see you in heaven, home in the sky
If you believe in Jesus, I will be by his side
I will look for you in the morrow’
I will search always, for you
somewhere over the rainbow
In the garden of Eden below the clouds too.