Tuesday, 20 September 2022

She rests

The late summer rain fell, ends a spell of drought,
I hear a song of hunger and going without.
Thunderous water nourished the trees, 
the wind dies down to lower the breeze
the flowers, the lawn, a mist settles in 
the early autumn dawn a new era begins 

Early Thursday, a red sun arose in the morning sky, remembrance of a beautiful day weeks gone by.
 I felt the warmth of my skin  nourishment to the soul loved by kin.    a feeling of peace, deep within 

I recall too soon, the bitter twist of karma    a bite from a vile snake charmer.   tragedy strikes the nation, the news is not good,       our queen is dead, hearts are filled with dread, another conservative leader makes her bed

Friday, 12 August 2022

A full package

Not a person had spoken to him in years 
Without question the best in his field 
A complete package, had not fallen apart
Never let the vultures steal his yield 
The efforts made were uncontested 
All this in a fashionable jacket  
Underneath a vest that is double breasted 
though beauty he could see all around
On the hills and in the ground
this story may seem good and sound
He was the loneliest scarecrow
That would ever  be found

Thursday, 11 August 2022


A sunny day, one or two, none so many, but there’s  been a few, 
I’ve never felt the warmth or joy, of holding near a loved ones ploy, 
the secret wish to be close with me, just holding hands in the rain, 
Gently kissing below the willow tree
I’ve never known what life is about, an unwanted feeling of fear and doubt
is it an illusion, a deep desire?
I’ve only known a disasters mire, bullying into submission, burning with fire.

A long hard trip

Intellectually astute, renowned for thinking, clever to the task, intuitively clinking, quickened logic formerly slick, emotional collapse when his brain went click.

Thoughts of the world, bridges built, towers of glass raised up from silt, mountains climbed, tunnels channeled, children hungry, politicians flannel

Disastrous read more bad luck news, a heart of flickers continual blues, he placed a rope on his neck then jumped from the bridge, said “what the heck”

Soul searching for peace, no peace found, regressing back to a torturous past, doomed throughout fading fast, nothing good would ever last. 

Closing eyes, until feeling fine then flew like a bird for a moment in time, sparkling stars, tightening grip, was this real, or just a blip, a cup of coffee, with one last sip, tragic end to a long hard trip

Sunday, 24 July 2022

My Dad

My dad told me a story of forty years before, when he was young and there was a World war, I thought ‘he is old, well; what does he know anyway’?
the petulance of youth never seems to fade, ignorance is everything when you know it all,
Life has been difficult, if only I could hear him once more, to really listen, intent to learn, I would have had less bridges to burn, my father was a hero, a young voluntary fireman, a royal airforce cadet, saving Saturdays for a little shilling bet, Harold, Red & Pat, a short tempered rat with a heart of gold, a maniac cat he owned, it would always attack, confused and alone now though surrounded by friends, most times I think my life would end, I’ve no more to give, burned to the ground, to rest a buzzing mind from an abnormal sound, no, stay quiet, not be found. 

Friday, 8 July 2022

Do not look for me in the flowers

Do not Look for me in the flowers, the sky up above
A warm caress of love to your little girl pup
a Red breast Robin, comes quite near
gives a knowing look without any fear

I will not be a ghost wandering around
In the house there, I will not be found
I am not the the touch on your shoulder
the sound you heard jumping on the bed
I will not switch on the tv or open the shed

For god loved the world, he gave his only son
That whoever believes in him will be in heaven 
Do not look for my reflection in the glass  
I will be in heaven, probably sitting on my arse

do not cry for me for long,  you will see me again Do not look for me for long, an angel I will send  I’m not here on earth, I am gone. 

I will see you in heaven, home in the sky
If you believe in Jesus, I will be by his side 
I will look for you in the morrow’ 
I will search always, for you
somewhere over the rainbow
In the garden of Eden below the clouds too. 

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Complete part.

Miles apart, Close together, 
Cliffs of chalk, mountains of heather,
awareness of presence, close to my heart
feeding a hunger, a feinted non-start.

Afraid of fear, dangers unknown,
wherever in the world, sadness alone,
contend to do right, a fiery red setter,
challenging rise of a future that is better

Don a cloud of grey and mist,
heavy heart, a mental twist,
Overcasting rain, well it gently falls
Overzealous thoughts, who knows or cares at all.

Special caress

There is a person climbing a mountain the ALP, is as a rocky sea ln the Atlantic  overflowing with love, pouring as a fountain a lady gives ...