Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand
Bitter hard is twist as fate, well awash the ecstatic face, no more tears of joy with drink, spread on plaster base, incredulous cover of satin lace.
Swarm the tower, fragment our thoughts, demolish utopian congretional thoughts thus strive on course, the cockroach spreads when squashed on boards.
Eruptious practicality, wishing smiles, never mock truth inflicted, travel for miles, delay the haven, suspend ones peace, when finally at the end, we will feel release, then hold on close to heavens child.
The warmth afore ere feel, summer fails, leaves lie brown are dampened now, tis’ with faint heart thy welcome in, nor by choice let winter sin, calm seas swirl, waves roll and prance, redemptions here to steal away the stags last dance, a heinous horror doth plenty kill err’ multitude of souls therest lie ill, thou’ sorrows thorn till festive eve, a child sleeps a baby born, while those that lost, forever mourn.
Humans grew over millions of years to become conscious, intelligent, sentient, Sensuous, self thinking loving, hating beings. Robots are singled minded, single tasking machines, yet humans are perfecting this build yearly, will man ever be able to make a being such as a robot in his own image? ….If so, will this make him a god ?
If humans became god, would he stop killing cod, travel to other alien planets, would he hunt and kill, how can man be trusted when they carry a bitter pill, when their intentions are to make the weakest ill,
Only when the earth is loving and kind, people stop to notice the world is there to find, eradicate sickness, the poor and the blind, look after their back yard, before spreading misery on to another kind
Then will man be a god?
Not a chance
Walk through the Valley, injustice at thy steed, tread very carefully, move with speed, be certain for righteousness whatever thy need, the path is hazardous wherever it leads.
Gone when I returned, one vanquished and twenty, reason not found, yet there were you whence I came around, resting quiet, perfect and still, not a blemish nor a mark in glorious colour, my heart subdued, there you lay statuette in the dark.
A heart set in stone, leathered face, forever alone, persecution carved on a concrete throne, where is the man that longed for eternal love to be held tight? transparency departed, weakened internal fight, known to some as a rock, prepared to kill, yet peculiarities to the few, a hero that feels, Where is the man that longed for love, to belong, has long since passed and long since gone.
Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...