Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Forever more I will be. 

Nothing am I, if you pass me on your travels then walk on by, if you smile I will wait a while, your desire is not my fire, I ring no bell on a church spire, I will be forgotten within a month when I pass on by.

If you love me, tell me so, I will love you back, I will not hold, yet if you don’t then let me go, to live as free is as much joy than a rich mans gold, wrap yourself in me or let me be. 

If you ever feel lost in thoughts of once apon a time, I am there with my mobile phone, your burden will be mine then once when alone, you may not care, I will not be there, alone I can be even when in company and forever more, I will be. 

Forever more I will be. 

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

My Shadow

As I walk my shadow falls, it looks as if I’m six feet tall, I reach the hill my shadow shrinks, what a climb my old mind thinks, I reach the top then comes a race, A quickened pace, red in face, my shadows so tall with trees for lace, I reach the location, dark and still, I cannot see my shadow, though it’s with me still, to a new location, on a beautiful hill. 

Monday, 12 July 2021

A new day

Yesterday I was broken, the only thing I have to bring with me are tears, today is a new day, I have no guilt or remorse, there is some deep pain, of course, some memories last the course, yet today is a new day, new beginnings, I close the door, everything is forgiven, you cannot hurt me anymore. I can start afresh, there is no score. 

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Peace at last 

Build that ladder, own that shit, buried beneath a pile of it, see the sky, breathe in deeply, button your cuff, the shit is seeping, a mile climb,  don’t look back, use some of the bricks from the wall you cracked,  it’s time to heal while your sleeping, beware of the treacherous friends your keeping, one day soon it’ll be time to stop, on the grass of green at the pastures top, look up far at the twinkling stars, the trouble behind you, peace at last.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Humourless antiquity 

Deep as an arrow, wounded by thy words of bitter resentment, cut in throes of ecstasy, same toxicity,                  hurt on the right, trip on the left, how long can one hide the pearl crusted forgetfulness, til thou’ heart breaks, retention holding fast to the tears welling, inexorable felling.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Great Tribulation 

It is a common brow thy eyes see, broad as the view from thou’ dignitary, highest on perch, morality o’ thy cruel, obscene in ones ostentatiousness rule

A penny, farthing, a shackle or three, taketh thy journey to the whispering tree, sensor sensibility, ridicule thy house, wear a shield on a fashionable blouse a high clad odour for a stench of a louse

Sword in hand, spread thy word, take it to the many innocent unheard, speak through and on till’ the time you depart, eternally pleased that you made a fond start, a love shared true, straight from the heart. 

NO - 3

A stone turns with the winter chill,

toxins disperse from a bitter pill

too far gone for the baits been cast

 Cover on cover blanket fast

Irretrievably set to eternally last

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...