Thursday, 29 April 2021

One Grave night

Walking through a shadow, hidden in the night, moondust sparkle, a gleaming, glowing Light, my heartbeat fastened, with heightened fearful plight, a darkened frame behind the gravestone shuddering with the fright, I ran through the graveyard there flew a screeching owl, he looked at me with reddened eyes, in its mouth something fowl, I in a panic, then tripped, into a pit, crashing through some broken bones, landing deep in ..............Sawdust and wigs, felt like something strange, I scrambled out of my ratted hole and never went there again. 

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Memories of my Dad 

Sixpence a tooth, a penny for seeds,  pigeons at Trafalgar Square hungry to feed off my shoulder, I thought Nelson was a brave soldier, Walking along the Embankment in a Sailor hat, salute H.M.S. Belfast and Naval Crew part, family trip on the Greenwich ferry, excited to depart, Battersea Fun Fair, eyes at the Big Dipper we’d hide, Carousel Horses on a circular ride, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben what a clock, Little Ben on the corner gave us all such a shock, the monument stairs were too far to climb, St Paul’s to the roof, with holes to the top, I would cry, it was high, on other occasions we see the pictures in Leicester Square, sometimes a Wimpy we’d have a Burger and A milkshake, Dad would pull out his hair and jump and stare, the cost was such, he’d tell us how much, then rant and rave, scare us to behave, what treasured memories to have from a child, sometimes wild and sometimes mild, my father has been gone for many a year, I wish that I had time with him again, just one more year, I’d watch him jump on the spot, red in the face and rather hot!.generous to a fault, love from the top 

Monday, 19 April 2021

Earths reel

Cut wire from a turtles neck, a penguin ring grip, why the thoughtlessness? narf makes yer sick, recycle is what?, it’s isn’t what it’s not, grip on an ocean, a broken rock, a reef of perpetual beauty, colours of a calcium crescendo, there’s no clown in anemone, no plankton for feed, no swarm of fish due to human greed, rest the seas they will reseed. Cleaner wrasse, Parrotfish sand, enjoy the moment with a helping hand, dolphin safe nets from a considerate brand. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

A marriage blessed with Love

The blessings of god are with you now, to wipe the sweat away from your brow, the promise of love shall not withhold , the dove of peace, the gift of gold, an ancestral bond, a bloodline of wealth, a thousand years of living health, a marriage to sanctify the true feeling of hope, blessed by the lord admonished by a truth more powerful than the pope. 

Be true in your heart, love honestly for good, thank god for the richness of thy living proof, be free with each other, know each ones heart, soft as can be, so no poison flees at you from a poisonous dart. 

Bear children if given, call them names of good faith, teach them right from the start and how to behave, be joyous and spend, yet carefully save, give your life to follow good, die with each other as ye both eventually should, yet if one of you must leave the other first, set a righteous path to follow. 

Never let there be a thirst. 


Acrostic Poem About Lola

L is for Love, the way we feel for you, 

O is for Outrageous, you’re just so fun. 

L is for Love, the way we feel for you, 

A is for Alive, that’s how you make me feel.

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Harry Potter or a Jotter. 

Do you live in a cupboard under the stairs? Do you wake up unaware, darkness around your day, do not despair, joggle away, look for the miracles no more, a cloak, a magic book, a powerful wand, a place to go to like Hogwarts to abscond, the mystery is in your fingertips, imagination at your very core, if it’s exciting to read, it cannot be a bore, put it on paper, write it with a pen, if your feeling sad, place it on an IPad, it’s in your eyes mind to see, tap it down on your PC, be it in the future or in history,  do not wait until may, write down your frustrations. Do it today.  

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A normal day

Walking along a gasp of wind blew dust, blinded by the obscene, I swore and cussed, walking up a hilly road, without much luck, I recall a manhole ahead broken by the dustbin truck, proud upright smelly men with their pungent trash the thought occurs, ‘they should be paid more cash’, I struggled on up the unpleasant hill, with sight of a mole, stumbling upon this unknown hole, could be a crazy individual looking for coal, hitting my head I fell forlong into an eight foot chamber, not seeing the danger, waking some hours later, wet from the soiling of a sewerage stream, noticing blood drip from my eye, I gave a little sigh; ‘what mess had I gotten into this time’ if it wasn’t ridiculous it would be sublime, feeling a little sad, thinking; ‘being a dustbin worker doesn’t seem that bad’ I struggled to my feet, what a memory to keep, reaching for my phone only to realise the battery had gone, I shouted for some help, I screamed for a passer by, but who would walk up that silly hill when they sensibly drive, besides it was getting late at perhaps nine o’clock at night, well, there was nothing for it but the pipe ahead right, climbing through getting even more wet, I wondered if the long narrow road to paradise would be as rough as this as my trousered knees ripped?, feeling humbled with the bliss, I longed to get home to the people I missed, ahead lay the sight of a pool of browny yellow piss yet the sight of a ladder on the other side could not be missed, so I swam for dear life with thoughts of my wife, at last I could climb to get out of this strife, to dream of a nice shower and get on with my life, when at last reached I struggled on up, there was an opening; oh what luck!, I stood up tall in the road and punched the air, even though I was covered in muck, I now write this from my hospital bed, ‘so blessed that I’m not dead,  ‘what happened”? I said to the Doc, he replied wryly without a bedside touch “surely you remember you daft old duck, you were standing in the middle of the road, said the driver of the Dustbin Truck!”. 

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...