Why?, oh please answer, why?
You threatened, abuse in my direction
Was I so different to you?
Yes being a little coy, I was a Teddy Boy
There was never rascist tone, I was almost alone,
I never spouted hate,
one look at the way I dressed made you irate
Winston Reeves, I loved the Rock ‘n’ Roll suits
The Music to boot, I loved Bob Marley too
Though you’d never have guessed
You just reacted to the fashion that I dressed
You weren’t guilty of the way you felt
There could be tough times in 1974
Difficult for the Windrush core
Never knowing what kind of day you would have
The way you were treated could be hurtful for sure
I wonder what ever happened to you
Were you successful ?
Like You deserved to be?,
talented, clever, too skilled for a factory
Probably became a lawyer
Fighting the cause in history
Or a drug dealer like everyone expected you to be
Except Me.