Thursday, 19 November 2020

Diverse sorrow 

Tis’ a tainted line I frequent with no reason to beg for forgiveness for as a inspirited angel I tread the path of righteousness, forsaking none aside myself, alas at the mercy of thy bitterness in my’ direction

Thy hand cast a rock that breaks as it falls fragmenting into pieces, showering thee with an avalanche of hail like stone, thus piercing a hole within my pure heart. 

Prayer has its persuasiveness with many a proven miracle at my side, yet as I fear when the prayer ventures away from my lips miracles progress for another as ordained, though my feelings of anguish express theirselves at my impatience 

Thy hand is at my heart fondling away sending pain to my very inner being, yet I empathise with thee, still the same as you have suffered beyond mention, my attention is brought to your desperation and if thy do not recover well then I have failed in my attention to your functional needs, I will endure forever, sorrow. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2020


Why weep ?.... when you’re guilty of blame

why complain ?..... you’re overwhelmed with shame

why beg forgiveness? then do it again

Why not change ? Or are you just the same ?

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Sweetness of patience

A dream came true, a prayer was answered, I changed my shirt, my back began to hurt 

Loving every day with weekends off, the first time at peace, what a wonderful feeling of release, painting a skirting, my back began hurting. 

Exercise daily, five miles or more, lifting heavy objects by the score, placing paintings, art and more, but this damn back is rather sore

A list of jobs, go on and on, but I wouldn’t have it any  other way, finally my mind is at rest each and every day, except for my back, I’d like to say. 

It’s getting better, i am fitter than ever, a wonderful place, full of joy and grace, a head that cares for the human race, still have my painful back to face, somehow, some way, it’s getting better every day. 

Damn Back! 

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


A binding of my heart, a creeping vine, a chance went a begging, a complicated start, I stood tall mimicking an oak, caressing a powerful mind, unwrapping a story, a belittled fragile joke

Weakness of thy soul, Corruption of the mind, punishment for all,  will not go a miss for the lord is not blind, a prayer for deliverance, recovery for good, a change in ones behaviour, trouble far behind 

Am I clever, stupid or soppy?,  a person with diligence, an indulgent carbon copy, remember the fun we once had shared, look back on our youth, irretrievably different, perhaps we never cared.

I love the world and all it has to offer, the chance to meet interesting people, to share a moment together, the children with joy in their faces, adults taking them places, the look on their tiny little faces at Christmas time, opening their Xbox Cases.

To see a baby in the arms of love, hear the last post played almost perfectly from a white handed glove, in the future nothing taken for granted, the reality of truth, not of an opinion which is slanted. 

A promise of a bright future to be had by gaul, those tiny minded people calculating and small, will turn to the dust on Judgement day, with a twist of a hand to crumble and fall. Yey Crumble and fall.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

A world of mystery in your sleep

Why do we dream, when a dream isn’t real? Is it a state of mind, a phsycological overkill?, preventing a reality from happening at all, or a tale of the future warning us all, is it comfort feeding our wants and desires, or forgetting a memory, putting out fires, one thing that I hold deep, it’s between awake and asleep, holding the secrets that I may want to keep. Some are not secret, just an idea for a book to capture a story that might be worth a look. So a hint for you before going to sleep, speak the words, ‘I will remember my dream when I close my eyes’  sleep half awake and sleep half deep, then I open my mind and take a peek. 

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Relive a moment, not to soon 

It’s such an awful tease, I’m doing my best to please I haven’t stopped running of late, Yet I’m up for debate, a new start is a godsend following a corruptive blend, everyone needs a friend.

Go here, go there, listen intently, not to share, changing daily, without a rest, losing weight, not my stomach, off my chest, muscle bound, a hunt for the hound, all over everywhere, cannot be found.

Daily task with an endless list, concentrating on an awful lisp, Weekend comes around real soon, a moment in life and not to soon, happy when Monday’s here once more and I’m back again to even the score

 I feel important, well that’s what I’m there for, years of drudge and a moment of cheer, how long it lasts, I’ll never know, I pray that I have a way to go. Remember the moment as it’s not there long, dance in the rain, singing the song, strive to live a life that’s long.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Stricken Youth 

She dances in the meadow with her golden Labrador, swirling barefooted as a Spanish matador. Pretty blue eyes, hair as the sun, she went for an ice cream, why not it seemed like fun, if she knew any different she would run and run and run. 

He befriended the little girl, swore to treat her nice, treat her like an angel, then ruefully took her life, divided childhood memories, beaten, bruised, abused were the only things remembered from his unenviable youth.

Evil transfusion evil, an opening in the spleen, a dark  position in the blood let’s the devil in, increasingly dangerous, the poison travels forth, entering what’s left of man to render him insane.

When the final judgement came they locked him in a cell, ten years he wept for murder then gassed him into hell, the little girl is with her dog forever blessed in May, he finds the little girl this month then plays away his stay. 

The Village

Standing in openness at Woodmancote all alone without hope a feeling of love in my heart acceptance of a brand new start I had never seen th...