Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Is it just me?

I yearned to make a statement, a mark in the world, I fought for peace to feel at ease, I hoped for freedom for the poor and the meek, yet no reward was felt, nor did I grasp to seek.

Fundamental Human Rights, mild mannered personal riches, a fight in the face of inequality, a National Health Service for each and every and those who require stitches, remember the time freedom spoken, folds away the past with hope

 Bring about the coming phase, a fashion that is fast, those with the money, are those that last, the many going without, will not change their view, propping wealth that grew and grew, self loathing bastards, are only the few

Fear not the law If you live in sin, it’s just a statement of the kingdom we are in, join together black and white, love each other, eradicate spite, cultures may be different, yet we are all the same, thick red blooded, intelligent brains, why do we search the country for anyone to blame.

I have a vision of kindness, an in-depth look into the heart, a morality shared by all, no wealthy, no poor, a land of plenty with no debt and more, Imagining neighbours of the nations without border control travelling the world, going to and fro.

Aim for perfecting the perfect race, create the best of us, banish the guns we hold and return them to dust, no need for military, we have no need for hate, outcast the hater then protect the gate, at the table sharing food, talk of sharing dreams, Euphoric action, we have the means.

Is it just me....... am I the only one, to see a freedom for everyone, if we started planting seeds today then a harvest will eventually follow, capitalism is a state of mind, equality is removal of greed?

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Imagination of a Hero

I was sure of a resounding win, an outcome of joy, the guns of HMS Victory for Nelson to employ. A splinter of wood grievously set to fly off the hard oak taffrail, injuring an eye.

A wondrous ship with masts of height, Cannons aplenty a gathering of might, stepping out of the recall, fine when small, most dangerous hazard for the slow or the tall.  

On the quarterdeck, vice admiral discussing war, Hardy at his breech, listening intently to his speech, extraordinarily a shot rang out all of a sudden, it cut through the left shoulder it was a good-un Nelson fell back among the ropes.

No hope was found, our Master lay on the deck, his body down below, he was bleeding slow, three hours later, the battle won were to be his last, the Victory lost when Nelson, our hero passed, I had been left with a heart of no joy, but it did not matter much, coz we were only playing a game and I was only, a little boy.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Grate in Great Britain

I saw the grubby poor in the high street, wearing Nike shoes, the only pair, worn for a year, laid out the cash to a back street shifty, looking flash and nifty with his gold tooth and rotten, impetuous youth 

I recognised the tainted scent of marijuana, pungent shit on a stick wafted with the smell of sick, knock off eau de cologne’ masking a grotesque odour of the body, a tracksuit worn of the finest, dirty, old and torn

Counting sixteen, neigh twenty two, European nationals, where from?, who the bloody hell knows, hand out, begging for money to waste on smokey joes, departed from poverty and war torn hell

It’s just as well, waiting in the line queuing for everything, the white ruffian whore that swore, she doesn’t know a thing of life, grown into nought but living on the doe, crack cocaine, shit just the same

The High Street dead or dying, ‘Peasantville’  it’s name, it used to be grand with the finest shops around, now deserted and filthy, best item for cash if you dare risk the rash, still it’s cash, money in the pit

Girls go there in their ‘primaries’ robes with slippers on the feet, black eyebrows, jewellery in the beak, fat guts out in the midriff, looking for a spliff, skinny white boy says “looking sweet bitch” 

While scratching his itch, education is for the rich.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Ring Rosie

Ring around the Rosie’s
Children have  red nosies
Cough and splutter said
We will send them all to bed
A fever and a headache
An arm and a leg ache
A prayer or a whisper
We won’t be found dead

Romans 7 : but I am carnal

Strands of history, a thin web of thine own,
Fornication be, an unpleasant throne,
One can take account of a mouse in scuffle,
within a vast hall, ye! the truth ere shame
Contradict none, yet the same
To wear a jewel, a coat of thy blame
Heathen without blessing,
Be the blessed host, angel with fear
Tinder burn the frame, a coat of tear’
Wondrous joyful essence, a tragic chance
Away to the flames for thy eternal dance.
Death seems pleasant, a moment of bliss
So easily tamed to that final kiss
The devil gratuitously, give ye a hand
 Gods wanton child, to another land.

Monday, 6 July 2020

The cursed

Goodbye my friends, goodbye the hero
Trick has fell from one to zero
A meeting chance, one last dance
From Rome in Italy to Paris in France
Closed communication
A wit, a woo
A dreadful end, a trip to the zoo
There is no sorrow
No care from you
That was the way
you know it too
too.................... too......................too.

Monday, 1 June 2020

The Prince of Duplicity

He is gone, you will see him no more, along with his iniquities he has been subjected, pulled into the dark, quiet forevermore, as a fallen pebble into sand of quick, remorse shall follow him until his vision of day implodes, his soul dissipating, thus gaining a place in hell forevermore. 

Gone is he, the man of power and pause, a prince of the realm, nay a prince of iniquity, his reputation in tatters before the world to see, the difference from a fake reality, forbidden to practice highly charged sensuality, freedom no more, for gone is he, gone is the prince of duplicity.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...