Tuesday, 14 January 2020


I observed Lillies in the garden grounds, elegantly growing, spectacular natural gold blooms, such a shame, a week later perished, red beetle bug the size of a penny munched the stems, until there wasn’t any.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Almost gone forever

Golden Leaves fall in the breeze from a ruthless rupturing storm, the oldest trees are holding still with vigour, strength and brawn.

 Forests here remember an age they spoke with a thunderous call, to those now gone before mans birth at the beginning of Earths first Dawn. 

 winter approaches cruel and fast, a grand old oak stands tall, wondering when the year will end, he shakes with cold and yawns

Friday, 29 November 2019

Passed through in the night

I stroll through life without a purpose, surviving every storm, the rain falls almost everyday, it’s  to seem the norm

If the sun does not show itself soon, then.......

I’ll be gone. 

Not even knowing. 

Sunday, 3 November 2019


Brother grown down, rocked to and fro’, forever fornicating with a guitar string low, brass section of trumpeted blues, impressing the world with the musical news, should have seen him wearing wide brogue shoes.

Brother lost or never found, superiority earned at a distant sound, worry often of the impetuous fiend, some are worthy, some are deemed, ridiculous situation or so it seems, mostly swims like a trout, right direction, wrong stream.

Sister warm, the comforting kind, sometimes astute, sometimes blind, a caring nature will die for a cause, neglects herself as nature calls, angry in retaliation for being a fool, hurt real easy yet stronger than all, loving sister to everyone and all.

Sister burdened by feelings of grief, intelligence of a martyr, clever as a chief, artistic hand shows a beauty in the heart, quick with humour, early to start, never had time to finish what could have been, wondrous places where she should have been.

Saturday, 2 November 2019


‘Tis a bitter storm that changes                    
colour to black, quick                                
ere the moment twists our fate  
Ye’, a cruel ghastly flick. 

Monday, 28 October 2019

Black Dog Watching

A black dog attacked today,
no reason or rhyme,
bad timing to a fragile mind,
this morning started fine,
then unexpectedly clawing a person down,
dragging away fragments of happiness,
replacing a naturally warm face with a frown
gasping for air with a tightened grip,
an eventuality of leaving a host blind.

gnarling sharp teeth,
biting as it chews,
within an analytically sensory brain,
eating it as if a delicious feed,      
sucking out the soul,
a presence of darkness,                          
with no hope left at all,
peering gradually beyond sight
one can often catch a glimpse of it behind,          
lurking on the wall.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Plastic Seas 

Fragments of plastic everywhere, US of A, Europe, also here, stacks of bottles in all colours bound, take a peek,  every service station shelf and shop, look all around, you’ll be surprised how much plastic can be found.

Frustrated, in despair, I emailed a local MP, to receive some positive action only to find she gave a kind, sorry reaction, too much profit in plastic sleeves, I must admit I feel somewhat aggrieved, it is becoming hard to believe.

Can anything be done to heal the glum for every Girl, Boy, Dad or Mum?, plastic rules the waves, I hear, have no fear, my dear, there is a plastic reef deep in the sea, within it all types of Marine entity.

Waste of non-Banksy art on display, we can go to see it one day, just visit the beach anywhere in the uk, see fragments of plastic shopping bags within the waves, Clownfish breeding in a plastic anemone, Yellowfin Tuna ‘POP’ up dead, covered in oil from fin to head.

Word from Patricio :- governments and those in a position to make changes must act now!.'Everyone can do something to make a difference however, like refusing supermarket vegetables wrapped in plastic, carrying shopping in paper bags instead of plastic, cutting down on pre-packed meals.

Whoever you are, have a think today!

what difference could you make?


A million insignificant changes to lifestyles or changes of things one can buy, Becomes significant without a try. 

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...