While searching the trees for some sweet grub, a Honey Bee he did meet.
“Hello I’m Busy” the honey Bee did say, “hello I’m Grizzly” I have come a long way,
“what are you looking for on this sunny day” said the little busy bee in his little buzzy way,
“I’m looking for Honey, way up in a tree, I must find some now as I’m hungry you see,
my tummy is rumbling it’s been empty for weeks, there’s some delicious berries though it’s honey I seek”, the little honey bee could feel the bears need, but destruction of the hive would be sad indeed,
so he said rather meekly, “I am Just a Buzzing bee, I am collecting pollen to make some sweet Hon....oops, I’m ever so busy”, “if you want some honey to fill your belly, it’s no good searching in trees, look for it in jars, to get the tastiest sweet flavour, thick golden honey, what a treat.
The buzzing bee said “goodbye Grizzly”, as he flew away, “hope to see you again some day”.
The small bears face dropped, in a sad way, his eyes averted from his destiny,
“all I wanted was a little honey, Buzz off little Bumble bee” ,
“go back to your sweet hon... oops”. The little bear said, then made his way home and went straight into bed.