Sunday, 1 November 2015

Troubled Sleep

I live, work, breathe, go through the motions, unnequivocally unchanging 
on the narrow path tiresomely steep
yet I'm  always asleep when I weep

rattled by the things I see and hear
almost an inclusion, a sight 
a narrow corridor, a peep
most people are confoundly irritated when I am around, perhaps that's why I'm always asleep when I weep

I've heard it before absorbed from generations of ancient stories given to us by centuries past through the ground
I'm far too stupid to be profound
Grandad died with a knowledge 
he has taken it with him to keep
Yet to me it's a repetitive sound
maybe that's why I'm always asleep when I weep, too tired to carry on
I always sleep then I weep

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Pine table

Nostrils saviour the smell of pine
turn, cut, smoothen out
craft of a hand steady
skill is detail
a bowl
collecting dust
thirty years a tree
thirty years for me
rotten sweet fruit
mouldy apple
soft plum
return to wood
senses are mine
the faint smell of pine
polish with antique wax
put it on the big brown table
fruit in a bowl sit down and relax

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Innocent smiles😌

Soggy vegetables, worn out shoes
detestable conditions the air is dry,
cockroaches;crunching sound on polystyrene tiles, 
damp squalid walls
hear the joy of innocent smiles

draconian blue, poppy red,
dust in the lungs of a perpetual youth,
moulded rice cakes,
mucused slime of trailed slugs suggesting a pattern, 
concrete cancer in towers, 
high rise fall from sloth
ignorant minds, innocent smiles

smoothed green fur surrounding metal windowed frames,
condensational graffitied glass
a nose resting all eyes seeing 
view of a spectacular city
gun goes "bang bang", innocent smiles

wheezing, sneezing, depressed,
bronchial pneumonia 
tear stained tshirt,smell of death consumed stale oxygen for the last time
a new born baby, an innocent smile

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Have you ever?

"Aah bless them they are so lovely, look at them sitting quietly in the corner, turn the music up Dave, let's enjoy this rave"

"Aaah, are you alright loveys?, have you got a drink?", "what would you like?", "a lager and a sherry, Aaah alright", "DAVE GET THE OLD COUPLE IN THE CORNER A LAGER AND A SHERRY" AND HURRY UP COZ IM FEELING MERRY"

"that was good what a laugh, now I'm gonna have a bath!, watch that old couple don't fall asleep, I'm sure he's had too many whiskys, oih don't you get frisky!"

"Aaah have you had fun?, perhaps you should go home now, it's getting late! 
there you go, don't forget to shut the front gate, now they've gone we can party great"

"it was a bit young for them oldies, who invited them Dave?, they should be in bed by ten!. you did you daft aper, come and give me a hug then" and listen to the New year by the bells of Big Ben

Monday, 26 October 2015

Trials and tribulations of a narcissist

An awkward end a deliberate lie
forcing a bid to ask the question...why?
tattered, shred, a worn out bed
Obliviously blind
must be soft in the head!

The cheese has turned a revolting smell
inside the corpse holds a rotting shell 
half a bottle of corked valpollicella 
fragments on the carpet,
I could not tell her
shattered, whimsical to the end
a broken glass that could not mend

Relativity holds the key
it must be something withinside of he
a damaged chromosome
mutilated gene
something so hidden
that cannot be seen

A flowers strength, veins up the stem
neatly ironed trousers, a damaged hem
trod on by shoes covered in shit
a narrow point of view, steep sided pit
On the edge of a mountain
through snow covered hills
a blizzard forecast
photographs are stills

Movement described by an artists hand
the chills moved on to the pleasant land
seven archangels a musical theme
welcome once more
to the promised dream

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Northern Line

Observing the tunnel, from a midnight view, contemplating his dinner a mighty beef stew
The angel ahead seen as a light, signals are good, green shows alright, platform edge clear, passengers move back, except for one man looking down on the track, he did not respond to the hoot of the horn, unknown to the driver he wished he weren't born
brakes screeching hard stop with a thud, one carriage past, on the screen there is blood
"stay in the cab" the controller advised
driver distraught,  reacting quite brave, somewhat contrived
a selfish act if they have their say,    
that inconsiderate person destroyed our day
try to see it the other side, a family destroyed, a heartbreak for a bride
sad loss for a girl as beautiful as the sky
deserves more contemplation than a whimper and sigh
 a tragedy for many, a soul gone wrong
life is so precious live it for long

Friday, 23 October 2015

The Carpenters Arms

Truman light ale methodically pumped into a glass, whisky at 1/6th of a Gill always politely passed,
Yet this quaint little pub on the corner had a secret in its past

Painted deep blue colour on the window pane, sign above the door that says please come again
Mum counting change backwards with a smile on her face, Bill has one more whisky chaser almost a disgrace

The Landlady would ask for help in the small dark cellar, Mum would nod approval, if i had the chance to tell her
Bottles down the chute stacked into crates, 'enjoyed life then' working at eight, remarking happily to my mates.

Childhood recollections of good times, at a last, such a shame those days have gone along with the working class. 
life is Cruel, uncaring, obtuse, somehow crass
Yet this quaint little pub on the corner had a secret in its past.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...