Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Just like James Dean

Dear Cousin Vinnie desired to be mean
hard as nails, run with the gang
die very young just like James Dean
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear Cousin Vinnie in with the scene
one look with silence all it would need, pretty girls attracted to the dream
hard as nails and twice as mean
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear cousin Vinnie always too keen
to be in hell,
take some drugs to go and sell
fit in with the sort of scum there could be                       die very young just like James Dean
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear Cousin Vinnie the most intelligent at school 
robbed a bank with a gun to be seen as cool 
seven years incarcerated in a cell painted green
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear Cousin Vinnie convinced by his own zeal injected some drugs, from his girlfriend would steal 
lost lots of weight forgot his last meal
wished to die young just like James Dean
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear Cousin Vinnie on the edge of blame
living in a fantasy, thought he knew the game, eloquently exaggerated his own fame, smartly dressed to pristine 
loved by my mum Doreen 
Yet to me he was the kindest person that's ever been seen

Dear Cousin Vinnie was alone
In his room, on his bedside lay some fine white powder and liquid on a spoon 
unable to comprehend, before' he was so clean although he wanted to die young just like James Dean
to me he was the kindest person that ever was seen.

Friday, 9 October 2015

A witty remark

A witty remark spoken with haste
deeply insensitive irrational waste
where it came from was evil bespoke
for the speaker was usually a very nice bloke, thoughtful of others never unkind
weeps at the news, feels for the blind
so where did it come from it certainly was steep to say such a horrible thing from the deep, apologies made forgiven at once,  though conscience will punish for being a dunce, never again will he speak with such farce, balance will come and have the last laugh.

Monday, 5 October 2015


Harsh as a blistered wind
frozen to a natural blue
It is times like this 
When I think of you 

Drawn in deeply 
protective stance
wish you were here 
for one more dance

Solitude with loneliness
Loneliness in a crowd
crossing over the line 
covered in a shroud

Feel like shouting 
"look I am here"
it's easier to sleek down in a chair
Ignore the world
as if it's not here

Everything's heavenly
contradiction yet true
It will never be the same here
until I am with you. 

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Poet

performance without an audience
written with a broken heart
words of love that may have gone
though never meant to part
gregarious in his nature
with a Hidden depth 
articulated feelings, from a soul inept
humility as a warning
sentences on a page
conceptual with the detail
affectation into rage
so scribe the written pasture
the beauty of the beast
place it on a page of hell
for whoever cares the least.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Oppressed regression

content to suffer, no person has known
Contempt is all that has ever been shown
persecuted in execution, defeatist in life
beat with a chain, cut with a knife. 
fear is the bravest strength in ones sight
Pleasure in pain to howl with delight

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Love Lost

How fragile life is
irreversible enough to live it free
freedom is a condition 
not everyone can see
whether in your heart 
your minds eye be

I missed the moment, 
for you are no longer here
you filled my life 
with warmth and cheer
forevermore on and on

Brobdingnagian world  
with pockets of space 
darkened by the missing
presence in your grace
I remember every detail
of a beautiful face

burdened not to show love
gift given from the Lord above,
unpleasantly some find it a task
hidden rather within a mask
not appear to be seen weak
they do not know it is a gift
given to the celestial meek.

Pretence knows not why
they fear to begin
hence unhappy features
are saddened within
accepting love be ya tortured sin

Devil Child

A shadow of a fox, sly though he
contaminated by his smug triviality
devious to the chore and willful
to the soul he be

Merciless killing, slaughter of the lamb
abundantly clear yet hidden beneath
decieving through his unimbiguousness
hell to you or thee

The mind of Oxford where the rich boy doth play,
true to nature inconceivable sway
inequality for the helpless
a soothsayer way

Oh foolish nation opened the mind
to the cruelest mean of potent unkind
hell be damned a place to be
Sordid, wicked, irrationality
kindness, a revolutionary way 
the struggle onwards will see

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...