Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Oppressed regression

content to suffer, no person has known
Contempt is all that has ever been shown
persecuted in execution, defeatist in life
beat with a chain, cut with a knife. 
fear is the bravest strength in ones sight
Pleasure in pain to howl with delight

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Love Lost

How fragile life is
irreversible enough to live it free
freedom is a condition 
not everyone can see
whether in your heart 
your minds eye be

I missed the moment, 
for you are no longer here
you filled my life 
with warmth and cheer
forevermore on and on

Brobdingnagian world  
with pockets of space 
darkened by the missing
presence in your grace
I remember every detail
of a beautiful face

burdened not to show love
gift given from the Lord above,
unpleasantly some find it a task
hidden rather within a mask
not appear to be seen weak
they do not know it is a gift
given to the celestial meek.

Pretence knows not why
they fear to begin
hence unhappy features
are saddened within
accepting love be ya tortured sin

Devil Child

A shadow of a fox, sly though he
contaminated by his smug triviality
devious to the chore and willful
to the soul he be

Merciless killing, slaughter of the lamb
abundantly clear yet hidden beneath
decieving through his unimbiguousness
hell to you or thee

The mind of Oxford where the rich boy doth play,
true to nature inconceivable sway
inequality for the helpless
a soothsayer way

Oh foolish nation opened the mind
to the cruelest mean of potent unkind
hell be damned a place to be
Sordid, wicked, irrationality
kindness, a revolutionary way 
the struggle onwards will see

Monday, 21 September 2015

I’m not the same, or am I ?

Life's like a dungeon as far as I recall from a very young age to the moment we are tall, trapped by the rules and wants and despised as a fool.

The medicine was a spanking in the very first week, only five years old some warmth I would seek,  it taught me not to cry for mum, to be silent and meek.

Alone in my childhood life I craved to be liked, do anything for friends even steal a bike, rub mud on the walls for someone called Mike but never really had friends 
Never knew what it was like.

Secondary years came along I would often feel sick every day was hell to get a lot of stick bullied for being quiet and often afraid, the cane and the children felt the bloody same. 

I remembered junior school with a fondness now, I learnt quite well though I did not know how.

secondary school interestingly fun for a lark, two years of hell from a boy called mark, at 13 years old after a fight it lit a fuse so to create a spark I would often bunk off and go to the park.

If your the kind of person that doesn't fit in, believe in me when I say it's not a sin
a burden you'll feel forever and a day
At least you'll have independent thoughts and be happy that way.

I'll not follow a crowd, not be one of the pack, I'll take a lot of hardship but eventually fight back, I'm caught in the web of deception, not afraid of hard work but then there's not a day goes by where responsibility will I shirk.

One hope that I wish to leave behind, is that I love my children, was considerate and kind, if you cannot be good then at least not be blind. 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Tennessee Waltz

The guitar in her cupboard, a song in her head tells of a time and now it is dead
Shut away sadly fifteen years gone, all with the music of a Nashville song.
Someday She'll return to her Grand Ole Opry home, sing some old Country, a musical throng, for the near future she's all out of salts,
maybe soon Tomi Fujiyama will sing the Tennessee waltz 

Friday, 11 September 2015

Ai Wei Wei

Ai Wei Wei is a creative man
Artistically skilled without the blue
Sensitive, creative, imaginative, true
A mind observing the writing on the wall
A futuristic sight he is warning all
Inanimate objects shown without life
Electric empty, colourful spice
Trees of wood, perhaps a glint
the future of the world maybe a hint
He came here to show the Trees
he saw the passion,noticed the greed.
To show contempt would be out of place, 
he left old England with a smile on his face

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

JOHN 3:16

Do you need to be advised where you should go?
to free your live and be eternally whole
I've shown you already you must be blind
Observe it below and you might find.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...