Thursday, 2 April 2015

A chancing exchange

Never had I witnessed such pure beauty looking across the room at you I saw.
A spiritual awareness of love my heart it doth flutter lightly, a choir of people in a large hall disintegrate into insignificance, 
the wall shrank to become a narrow corridor of you and I breaching the exceptional audible volume of loud chattering and music, we became lovers in an instant, I could feel you breathe touching you as if by magic, 
blissfully unaware of any sound or movement left in our spaced time capsule, feeling faint as you return a smile with eyes of green, a passionate affair directly to me, then suddenly at an abrupt end as a friend asks in a loud tone over the music
"Oih there's plenty of birds here, 
dyou want a pint or what?"


Hello my friend where have you gone?
Put scripture down without a song
Can't tell you where I'll come along
You sing the words to fear alone
Am lifting you up upon the throne

So hey why did you turn your back
A voice in mind a heart attack
You left me here with vicious claws
A wooden cart along a dirt track

The hill steeped in blood like river flows
Towards the Nile with bandaged toes
I climb on high where else I'll go
Your fortune smiles a stone you throw

Death destruction marks your way
Darkness follow on this day
Forgiveness may your will he be
Dispatch the green from Tuscany 

Two thousand years may be he reign
No soul be sent or will he save
 a blinding flash will come again
Spirits home release the slave
Fortune fears the weak or brave

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Evil through relativity

Poison through the veins of the weak
Retaliation in the souls of the meek
Laugh as you hurt friends for strength
Cut the throat of those that you seek
To me you always seemed a freak

Never forget to stop and look
See the destruction left in your desire
People dead and your house on fire
Plant that image in your brain
Life will never be the same again

Protective custody until the trial
What you've done is seen as vile
People shouting in the streets
Kill him quick and make it neat
A guilty call heard far and wide
Even from your long lost bride

Your death decided on death row
Pay for what you reap and sow
Not long now to the fateful day
Strap you to the chair and take you away
Once forgotten twice the sin
pay for the history of your kin

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Modern poetry in Pilgrims Progress

Whatever path you choose to take 
May it be a righteous wake
For danger lurks each and everyday
be sure to use the careful way

tread the road short and smooth
Downhill the way to the lost souls groove
Into the pit once flames are gray
Death awaits oh come now pray.
listen to the fallen angels say.
"Follow now, along this way"

Loose gowned women call share my bed
chastise men, desecrate their head. 
the old man wants to play cards 
A fiver a game to gamble away
some drugs will take you into the nest 
of a demons den with the Devils crest

Seventy five years of a tainted life
Relationship problems for a cash strapped wife, don't give up yet
be it your choosing
suicide is an eternal losing.

Pain in a body, scrambled mind
eyes so poor, irrepareably blind
How can there be a god 
when you suffer so? 
what people say 
when they just don't know

the beauty of it all is far and long
Keep going my friend 
Over the hills Far away
Suffer to the end and always be strong.
eternity waits with a beautiful song.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Death of a Butterfly

It was a fear that held you so near
so petrified to not be with you 
an aching heart that needed your love so
You were a butterfly trapped whole. between the pages of a pressed book
dying quickly with no glancing look

Soft to the touch a delicate silkiness of your skin, beautiful by chance a pride of your kin, our eyes met a hypnotic trance caught in a whirlwind trapped in a dance.
breathing at last a heart beating fast. energy drained, shattered like glass.

Precious memories to last forever 
of moments passing in the wind
recurring thoughts fleeting through history 
at once became a bitter end
long lost love with no message to say
despise the fool who's  not even a friend.

The Grey man

A grey man in a grey suit crossing London Bridge. 
A grey man in a grey suit a national pride
Umbrella that's black by his left side
A document on the right a secret to hide
wrapped up by a rubber band that's on his right hand
A termination of the poor an army to disband
Taxing the middle class servants to the cause
believing the lies of a co-existence 
Into the river no documents to send
corruption has drowned no laws to amend
A grey man in a grey suit crossing London Bridge hit by a bus now at an end.

Sentimental Me #

Sentimental me crazy lazily
Sad and beyond help
Sentimental me

switch out the light once more
and close the bedroom door 
I haven't the strength to be
Sentimental me. 

Why are you hanging arou~~ound
Why can't you~ou see
I'm finished with all the rubbish
Don't be~ee there for me.

Baby don't you see
We just weren't meant to be
No use hanging on for
Sentimental me.

Sentimental me, crazy, lazily
Sad and beyond help
Sentimental me. 

Fortune fears the brave
I cannot be saved
Gone are days so free
For sentimental me

Go out and find another
Then you will be free
Cannot stop around for 
a crazy man like me-e.
shouldn't wait around 
for sentimental me.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...