Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Christmas 2014

There was a special boy born over 2000 years ago called 'the Saviour'
The baby was so special that three wealthy Wise men with gifts were guided to the manger where he lay.
There was a very powerful king named 'King Herod' He was so scared of this little baby that he sent soldiers to kill every first born, not so powerful after all. of course the baby survived.
As every father and mother knows a baby is so much a miracle as my children were to me, one day there is nothing then the next day a miracle is placed before your eyes in the form of your own child.
I know I wept at the amazing beauty of my little children. So imagine how Mary felt with no home, about to give labour, was she scared, she was probably horrified.
At this Christmas please give a thought for all the little baby's being born to parents that do not know how they are going to survive, due to poor circumstance or where they are going to live and give a thought for 'Jesus Christ' who was that child, he grew up to be the most powerful man that has ever lived not by murdering or controlling people but by loving, just loving, he gave his life up at a young age, so that we could all live forever. Thank god.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Io Ci Saro

A voice moved from within
to feel absorbed captivated and passionate, I heard your song with a heartfelt emotion, pure devotion
Translation of a saint required to perceive the language in which you sang
Though I wish time would come to a standstill so as to unravel the object of the songs desire lay bare and open for the world to see it releasing a host from gravity, lifting it off the ground to set a spirit free. Tragic yet elated once again feel the warmth of a rare pounding 
mourning the travesty of a broken heart
that one never had the wish to depart 
The song spoke of a feeling, stupefied mourning, an awareness to regurgitate heartfelt troubles deeply broken by the sound of silence as the vocal basting came to an erupt finish waking with a start, grabbing the steering adjusting and continuing a long an arduous journey home to you once again for the dance of life to erupt evermore on.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Hebrews 9:28

So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Secret to never being broke

Payday is a long way off there's a lot for me to do
go to the movies or maybe a pub to buy a drink or two, get me some candy in the local liquor store 
drown out my sorrows from the night before 
or lay in bed until my back is sore 
fighting the pillows regretting my life is such an awful bore 
everything on the bottom shelf not on the top drawer.
Yet payday is a long way off there's a lot for me to do 
go to a concert or visit the zoo any things better than hanging in the house 
looking out the window searching for a mouse
then I put my hand to that awful locket I remember your tenner that's in my left pocket
temptation hits me drags me to the shop buy myself a chocolate bar or maybe a pork chop
The fatal words then came ringing out To me "do not be afraid
Keep ten pounds in your pocket, you'll forever more be paid
never ever spend it, never let it go coz when that day comes you'll be digging yourself a hole
If you can find your way to keep it whole and square
your cupboards will be always full and never will be bare"
so I opened the cupboard guess what I saw there
A letter from my father wrapped in a twine of hair. 
I cut the parchment open to unseal a mystery as if I were a lad climbing up a tree
Unwrapping it with shaking hands the words sprang out at me,
quickly I began to read so put my eyes to see
 "Don't you spend that tenner son or you'll be brassick lint;  like me".

Monday, 1 December 2014

American attitude

America, guns betray your sons
Break the trend get off your bums
How many cities where young boys die
Shooting each other in a gang war cry
Killing spree with a paranoid twist
burying friends with a fatal kiss
Sick and perverted proving strength 
Look where it goes to all kinds of lengths
Innocent die, a ghetto hell
wealthiest of all, beyond a smell
the stench lay with the poorest in life
Look what's around you protect your wife
Protect your children, protect your friends
Join hands through colour and race slowly destroy the hatred in face.
Imagine an argument without any guns
Bloody noses degenerate fun 
no one dies from a bullet hole
No shot to a head and no fatal blow.
Where will it lead to


Winding along an aggressive path  
trespassing land as if cut by glass
Infused with blood from many wars fought 
dealt with death though life it sought 
Soiled with tears from thousands in throng
through valleys and hills flowing along
Tibet to Shanghai singing its song 
Wealthy, servant, free man and slave
quenching souls fearless and brave
Growing plenty in fields of rice
bamboo, wheat and all kinds of spice
importance of a queen draping her trail
lashing the people, whipping her tail 
Countries will pass borders all class
fine dessert sands to lush hills of grass,
reaching seas beyond the east China marsh

passione della vita

Life is a war and every day is a battle to me.
I'm on the brink of insanity, between intelligence and split personalities.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...