Thursday, 10 July 2014

National problems for blind apathy

Atrocity and hatred fills their desire
Selfish to the core the nationalistic mire
White aristocracy with superior skin
Blond hair traced back through most of they're kin
So short sighted a nation can blame the poor 
For most of the wealth going out of the door
Industry closed, mines shut down, interests so high, houses pulled down
Work shipped abroad until there's no money left
Drugs used freely by governmental pests
Immigration allowed blaming foreigners for the theft
While Tory backbenchers pilfer the rest
Have you ever wondered why everything's a mess
It's to keep a nation confused while the rich grab the nest.
Is this a country to trust those in care 
Make your own minds up or into space stare.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Paul Merry

It was many years ago on the way back to school
in your joyful inevitable youth, life to good to follow the rules
crashing through the obstacles in young teenage years
excitably jumping, running, smoking after a couple of beers
pleased with the news of Arsenals big win
you had the red and white scarf, you waved it out and in
almost at the building where you were forced to be good
sit on the chairs with your head in a book
however, had you have stopped to take one last look
crossing the road where there was nothing to see
a car appeared with some tremendous speed
It hit you so hard smashing your bones. breaking your teeth and cracking your skull
years of life destroyed, taken time to heal, repairing your bones and internal damage still
swelling of your brain took its toll, you recovered to a point yet never became whole
with such a hard life each and everyday,yet you were joyful in many ways
epileptic fits besieged you weariness aggrieved you, pain beseeched you
everyday began with a screaming aching head and exhausting you
happily you lived, your love for life was a gift, many matches you'd attend
right up until you could not take anymore and your life came to an end
one night that fit took you away, gone now for you could not stay
I'll see you again one day,
In my thoughts you'll stay

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

A thought worth a thought

In what way have you been insensitive about today?
Who have you hurt in an unforgivable way?
Could you have done something different
for others to have a nice word to say? 
Answer 'no'  and feel the guilt some day.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Bill O’Brien 

Drown your sorrows, have a drink
Reddened nose, cheeks of pink
It 'twas'  a long time coming, a long time gone, twice the width and just as long

All the years with paranoid farce. You did not like children or would not be asked
Although you were thought of with warmth of heart, why not change your mind and break down the facade

A battle fought for everyday life
A drink or two to carry the strife
Merry with sherry, fun with scotch
mug in the bar up on the notch
drive to work sober, drive home drunk
Always the next morning
your spirit had sunk'.

riddled you brain, diseased your liver
Had a kind heart, enough for a giver
Died too young for my children to know
you could be a right so and so

Forgive you, there's none to give
You took on so much, took us to Loch Ness
remember you well, your intentions were good for an army Sargent  major in a guilt ridden mess

lorry mechanic in a Bethnal green firm
A prize winning fighter from the brownswood tavern,
liked very well by people who you knew, loved by us in our nice polished shoes.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Poor Done Hard

What is freedom?,
is it a word meaning free to do whatever one likes?
Or is it just a word to boost our morale and convince us we are free to do whatever we like?
I think it's a state of mind, who is really free?
Am I free? Are you free?
Struggling to get by each week
paying taxes so high so that only penny's are left to have a take away.
your freedom is freedom given to you by an unkind state
is it wrong to be on benefits cos your taking from all those hard working people?
well what have governments been doing for years except taking everything from you in tax
making the nation believe its for running of the country, then stripping it away from hospitals,schools and the welfare state,telling you that you cant have the raise in work because of the present hard times, this depending what government is in at the time of a man made recession, then when the financial crisis becomes good again because of a change from right to left or left to right, not giving you a raise because of the low inflation rate, while putting up your rent,petrol,energy prices etc., etc., government claim to not have a hand in controlling of that but don't believe it for a moment, who do all these contracted private companies  pay tax to?, companies that the government set up when these state owned companies became private, so private that they could hide any transparency and their Oxbridge friends could keep their sordid fingers in the tills.
so what is freedom?
well it depends just how shrewd the chancellor of the exchequer is
not many of us know freedom, bound by forty hour contracts a week
left with enough money to pay the bills and getting into debt for the flash car that we seek
capitalism means being in debt, if you don't believe me, then try to think of a country that is not in debt to another, try to find one of your neighbours that are not mortgaged up to the hilt and have loans coming out of their ears unless they are part of the silver spooned brigade, a class above anyone else with controlling shares on a board of their choice or a corrupt group of people hiding within a contemptuous greedy political system
which brings me to my last thought of transgression.
are you doing wrong to be claiming benefits off of the state (the state being all of us)?, my answer is simply, no its not wrong to claim benefits for those people that have been less fortunate than some others or have been made redundant because of a right wing decision to tighten the coffers once more or simply been unlucky and lost work.
then is it wrong to claim benefits, then work on the side to make up your money cash in hand?
yes its not only illegal but morally wrong too, how dare they, just like how dare corrupt people elected to look after the country and paid very good money for it!, also pilfer from the state, secret friends on a board, and hidden within a legal ring hidden on one side, paying for a governmental decision in a jersey bank account by a friend on a board somewhere.
yet corruption is everywhere from the unemployed to the highest earners which are also the lowest tax payers in percentage due to the amount of money that can be written off against something else.
the people suffering the most are the honest working to middle class person that are caught within all the trappings that modern life has to bring.
do you know freedom?
I doubt it, freedom is what your church offers to keep you even more controlled, to give whatever cash you have left to; whether its Roman Catholic,Muslim,Hindi,Presbyterian,Mormon or whatever, keeping masses controlled by brainwashing you into thinking that if you defy everything that you live for and do not work and make money then you will go to hell for it.
Conclusion: Perhaps there is a freedom but not within this world which we live or seek.
which is another question, if I am totally wrong why then did we have to go into African tribes that were very happy by the way and educate them into wearing clothes and working for food? to pay taxes i wonder ? what savages we were!!
as far as I can see there was only one man that ever lived that wanted to bring freedom to every person and with it peace and love, his name was Jesus Christ, oh yeah, I nearly forgot for a minute, didn't we put him to death?
John 3:16

Danny boy

Danny boy you walk through the meadow of flowers so blue
grasping the reeds of yellow and hue
alone in a field with memories gone past 
telling a story of  love till the last

Danny boy you live in a home all alone
surrounded by pictures of your life, feeling sadness not known
wandering in with thoughts of your wealth
pretending they are your lovers, yet wishing you poor health 

Danny boy now you should know better
you were raised up a good boy, parented to the letter
your mum and dad gave you all you could need
nice shiny shoes a place you could feed
a house full of joy for every girl and boy
warmth and affection and every kind of toy

Danny boy go out and see the world
instead of resting in the mist of an imaginary swirl
real life is within your grasp just keep on running so that your running fast
run on past the school that you hated most
round the next bend close to the coast
run past the hill where they punched you in the face
down to the chippy and into a safe place

Danny boy its not the way it used to be any more
your free to follow your will, to ignore any chore
to choose who to love very carefully
no need to hide in that tiny ally
no need  to fret and worry
your as free as a bird so be in a hurry
find your life dont give up without a fight
no need to sit in the dark of a lonely house at night

Danny boy they cant hurt you for sure
your a big strong man, not a child no more
all that you are is bound up in love
share peace with the world
and follow it with love.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Crucial Joy

if you are a person with a lot to share
why is that everyone wants to get into your hair
Your a peaceful soul that desires to be happy
Share your love, joyful and chatty
They only get bitter, nasty and ratty
to change the kindness into something crappy

To be young and good looking is all fine
so long as you don't believe in it all of the time
to see a beauty beneath others skin
a blessing from a warm heart of a kind kin
a joy that makes others shine from within
Creates a much nicer person not bound up in sin

Intelligence is great to boost a career
futures can be built on this very idea
Fear not to tread people down on the way
they may go down but that is not where they stay
like a prize boxer falls in a ring
climbing on the ropes with others good will
beat you back down until you are still
to settle bad debt with an unorthodox feel

Those of us that have care in our hearts
can change the world into a magical place
spread a disease that's sure to catch
a smile and a warmth on everyone's face

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...