Placing the 'great' in Britain,
Making the wealthy wealthier,
Putting a guilt edge on royalty showing an importance
to the aristocracy.
Making out the country is poor
Cutting benefits for the worst affected
Disabled, unemployed and more.
So angry when I heard the words
politicians blaming it on the youth
Making what is a lie a truth
University funds cut
Not a question or a but
Olympic stadium costing millions
Someone has to pay
Might aswel be the millions
Underhandedness with a swindling twist, puts you off the Olympic mess
Then I watched the swimmers swim
Non sighted, Hard of hearing,
Runners running without a limb
So many contenders, strong and brave
With smiles on their faces and a marvellous wave.
Stadiums full of people who care
Contenders fighting for an equal share
the anger I felt from the politicians faze
Disappeared slowly in An emotional haze
It was'nt what MP's wanted after all,
It was spirited para - Olympians
Steadfast, loyal, true and tall
I enjoyed all of what I saw
Proud of the greatest athletes
Fighting for a medal without any war.
Overwhelmed by a wonderful sense of joy
Happiest country in all the world
Pride running through every man, woman, girl and boy.