Saturday, 4 August 2012


I remember treading deeply in to the mud, climbing out of the trench
Pulling my feet up losing my shoe to a squelching wrench
I remember being so at peace with it all
Walking as if I were ten feet tall, past the meadow, the hilly view that climbed so steep
Incredibly far, where there were hundreds of baaing and playful sheep.
I remember Lady with me, exhausted from the task her tongue reaching out, 
on and on for miles and miles.We came to a stream, she would drink for a while
Her little face would beam so wide as if  a smile
I remember the village children adventuring with me, through the woods, treading on twigs
Building the sticks creating a camp, inside it with a little lamp,
Most of all I remember my own children loving unreservedly, 
feeling the joy and reason for living every time I saw they're miraculously beautiful faces,
since then as though I've been in stasis, not moved at all.
Yet I miss them so small, when they were needy, now all grown up living their lives, 
It's so wonderful what we reap and sow, yet they have to mature and grow.
As the years move on like a fine wine, Popping the cork one bottle at a time.
I left the beauty of it, a lifetime ago, left it as picturesque as snow
I'll remember the life I came to love, gone in an instant like a stolen glove
Strange for a lad, a north London boy, moved away, found peace and joy,
The heart of the Cotswolds inside of me, Cirencester the place to be.
I'll remember in my mind eternally, until my lord come and take me away from thee.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Rise of Fascist days

I see the ugly face of hatred rising up again
Fascist hardened people within their hidden frown
Pretending to be a friend waiting for a call
From the likewise minded fascists, hear the right wing call
England they are calling,Deutschland, Nederland, Francaise
The day of the Wordly Third Reichts close
terrible days are near.
Stand and fight against them, remember World War Two
Join your Christian, Muslim, Friends
Black and Asian too,
not forgetting anyone, especially not the Jew
all be one together and fight to free the slaves
Take us to a new world of peacefully friendly days
Forever is a dream, a dream that will be true
Remember on, be good in heart
Shy away from the fascist youth
Do not believe the bad untruth

Home Alone

I have a sinking feeling, I may be quite alone
No one around me, sitting here on my own
Love has gone and left me, children have all grown
Wife has aged and passed away, now there is but none.
One look in the mirror, who's that looking back?
An old wrinkled face on a person once called Jack
Memories delude me, forgotten things once was
Fading into nothingness, once important lost.
Still I am quite happy, have some help with care
look at pretty carer's face, look but do not stare.
I had a Triumph motorbike, twenty two years or more,
it has since been scrapped could not ride it anymore.
I'm a hundred year old chap my fingers are quite sore.
I'd like to go shopping but my legs are far too weak,
I remember my children home and playing hide and seek,
I don't know how long I have left upon this land of plenty
Yet I do not want to carry on until I'm a hundred and twenty.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


It's raining, there's water pouring down, so depressive I can't help but frown
If it were sunny I'd walk in the park
Talk to my friends at the Cutty Sark
Sit in the garden for most of the day
Pick some flowers in the usual way
Put on some shorts look up at the sun
See it glow, with my sunglasses on, what a great show but it's raining again, when will it end ?, I'd like to go and see my friends, its driving me around the bend, maybe soon it will be nice, my daughter could take her baby out in the pram, I'd playfully soak my grandson again, Oh but I forgot, damn!, I'm not allowed to do that, there's still that dreaded hose pipe ban.

Friday, 8 June 2012


Each and every man or woman a singular solitary cell burning energy
Feeding power to an unknown source
I am but a speck of ion within a vast mass, a nucleus that needs feeding with fuel toxically dangerous to each and everyone of us, yet kept within its shell by a beautiful crust known as Earth.
Green in splendour by a lush vegetation feeding on Carbon Dioxide with a wondrous conversion into a living gas for all mankind to inhale and continue on a living planet, one of thousands creating what is known to the human existence as space with its empty appearance yet probably teeming with life beyond any beings imagination.
Unknown quantity of people in one form or another each and everyone a living cell captive within their own planet, within their own galaxy, within their own universe all inside a spherical plaything with amazing swirls and colours lit by an everlasting battery from inside and held by the right hand of God.

Friday, 11 May 2012

She doesn’t know

I'm with her every single day,
we're so close in a peculiar way.
I cannot see how it doesn't show
I love her so much
but she doesn't know.

Fortune favours the bright or brave
I haven't the strengh
to quarrel or shave
So why do I keep on digging this hole
I love her so much
but she doesn't know

Tuesday comes and Wednesday too
Day by day, I struggle through
To stay in alone with solitude
I know It seems completely rude
But Depressions deep, it's got a hold
I love her so much
But she doesn't know

Friday, 4 May 2012


I ask my self a question, I wonder if it's true, should I wear black or should I wear blue.
can I wear the shirt I wore last year ?,
Should I drink whiskey rather than beer.
New black shoes to wear on my feet Blue striped trainers might be sweet.
Whatever I decide, i hope to look good with a flat cap on or maybe a hood
My belly is so large and round
to take away the appeal
from a good looking man
A fella that's slightly over the hill
A person that was once married to gill.
Now we're all seated
I've one more thing to say,
let's get on our knees, thank God and pray.

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...