Friday, 4 May 2012


I ask my self a question, I wonder if it's true, should I wear black or should I wear blue.
can I wear the shirt I wore last year ?,
Should I drink whiskey rather than beer.
New black shoes to wear on my feet Blue striped trainers might be sweet.
Whatever I decide, i hope to look good with a flat cap on or maybe a hood
My belly is so large and round
to take away the appeal
from a good looking man
A fella that's slightly over the hill
A person that was once married to gill.
Now we're all seated
I've one more thing to say,
let's get on our knees, thank God and pray.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Dilemma for a woman

A woman may ask without delight, Is it better being with a poor man that's generous, or a rich man who's tight, a person that will always put up a fight or someone who will love them way into the night

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Woodberry Down Comprehensive

When I was a little boy, I had some fun, there were some knocks but lots of joy
Amazed at school I loved to learn, from English to maths, the science and art
I could have been anything I wanted to be, if only they, had left me to be
the violence i found the bullies around
The threat of a thump, the violent sound, it was more than I could bare
Too much for me,the boisterous fools unable to listen or follow the rules, the girl sat in front knifed in the back,
The different gangs in different factions nowhere to get away from all of their actions.
a twenty foot gate, easy to climb
Run from the hell, the hate and crime
Walking around in a life of peace, out of the school to wander the streets.
Despite of it all, I still think it's right
To not stand a ground, not put up a fight, what good would it do to spend life like that
push others around, a popular rat

Monday, 2 April 2012


If you come from London,
you'll know what I mean,
Extraordinary pie and mash
With liquor so green
Add a little salt, lots of pepper too
Vinegar in the middle of the pie,
that's delicious for you,
Cooksie's was the start,
yet sadly now that's gone,
Still there's plenty more to choose from
To make you good and strong.
If you go to The East End, Hackney,!Eltham too,
Don't forget the Pie & Mash waiting there for you

Saturday, 31 March 2012

My Friend's Smile

My friend is not like the others, sensitive, yet simple, simply impeccable.
He likes to dress in bright, when he goes out at night
Gentle and quiet and doesn't like to fight
All alone in the club, he likes to dance, when given the chance
kind and caring beyond reproach, he would make a good lifestyle coach
dresses in style, helps all others, he likes to go beyond the mile
I'll never forget his friendly smile

My friend is not like the others, the best person that I know
He's a great engineer and full of good cheer
My how he could cook, we wanted to eat, just by the look
Spicy steak casserole, pasta with mighty meatball
We ate until we were full, he stayed just a while
I'll never forget his smile.

My friend, not like the others, quiet and liked to walk home alone
He would go out all the time, mostly without a phone
They saw him on the heath, watched him cross the street
Beat him in the alley, they broke his legs and feet
Fed him dogs excreta and told him it was a treat
he never fought back and died on that street
without any tricks or guile
I'll never forget his smile

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Me and I

Hate is in a mans heart
Corrupted by actions of power
the murder of an innocent boy
Changes a sin into a joy
A president with ultra power
The strength and money
To hide behind a tower
Evidence changed, video lies
Influence of friends, keeping off the flies.

Prime minister smirk off his face
Doesn't care for creed or race
Anti-semitism blame the Jews
Racist slur always in the news
That's fine it keeps the heat off him
Making money for his friends
When he thieves off every working man
Why sit back to accept injustice
peacefully march, get your voice heard
Join together, question all, why are they so rich, yet your pay packet stays small.

British fuel is the most expensive
More than any country in the world
Question this, why should it be
hard to fill your car, it's your money
The tax we pay is beyond belief
Like pouring money into a sieve.
We have to pay to get to work
We have to bow to generalise
but listen to all is my advice
put people first for a happy life.
if you have all, someone has sod all
if I pays for me, who is really your enemy ?

Disabled or poor might be a bore,
Cut their benefits and have an oak door. A talking fridge, a brand new car
Intelligent alarms to keep out the poor
a nations speaks with eventual hate
You better keep locked 
your security Gate,
The worm will turn, the multitude will rise, to take your wealth
 your me and i's.

Saturday, 17 March 2012


He hit her with a hammer, he never even saw her
Nine o'clock at night, It gave her such a fright
"Hello excuse me mam', she went to turn and BAM!
across her lovely head, they told me "Jane is dead"
A hammer cracked her skull and left a gaping hole
He dragged her in the alley and raped Jane's naked body
Sixteen years of hell, they had him in a cell
I waited for that day, his good behaviour paid
Released from prison see, to wander streets so free.
Untill he met me there, waiting on the stair.
I showed her photograph, he never even gasped.
"Well what dyou want me to do", from his mouth, it spewed.
I saw evil in his eyes, he laughed but I cried
thunder took my storm, erupted beyond norm.
His neck was in my hand, tight as a rubber band
I squeezed as if a sleeve, he couldn't speak or breathe.
I slid the knife from my coat, I cut his evil throat.
I drew the blood from him, now my life is through coz It will never bring back you.
They put me in a cell to live a life in hell.
I still have thoughts of Jane walking down the lane.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...