Monday, 14 November 2011

Bethnal Green

Knock it down, Build it up
Pie and mash, Razor Cut
Eels and liquor, Salt beef stew
The real Eastenders
Beat the fuck out of you
Not the Eastend as it is now,But the Eastend as it was then
Boxing clubs all around, hard men in suits, hidden underground,
Foot Soldiers collecting dues, hard bastards, stirring up feuds,
Pawn shops there were a few along with a Population of wealthy Jews, Christian churches, Congregation of gangs, taking prayers then onto gang bangs
Pigs Heads and trotters, hanging in the butchers, Specialised tailors cleaning up sutures.
Racketeering, A percentage taken, leave them some to not leave them broken.
Pay your way or disappear, complete a column underneath Southend pier.
all said and done, there were those good, not involved but understood.
Living lives as good people do, working jobs in the East End Zoo.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Genealogical history

Roman or Greek
Muscleman or Meek
Christian,Muslim or sikh
Whatever flavour bubblegum you chew
naturally historical and true
the family you genealogically knew
Came from a descendant of Jew

Friday, 11 November 2011


Though your distance is far from me
I hear you hurting desperately
I feel your heart break at a quarter to eight
Mine does too but I'm asleep, tired from work and what I ate.
My eyes while shut, heard you sobbing, emptiness your going through
woeful feeling that comes from loss, numbness left since we haven't had you
gone are the day's of joyful play, family noise, from us girls and boys
I made a promise set to keep, that I would not forget them while you sleep
thinking of you everyday, a cherished compassion in your thoughtful way
never will I be without, the thought of you and what your about
a person in half though I be, thank god for my sisters that look out for me.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Think Again

Though a rich man I may be,
Within my life's a cavity,
A hole with which I'll never fill,
The speed of man without the wheel,
The family living over there, work so hard for an equal share,
Unemployed is what they are, without a television,phone or car,
His wife disabled that's no lie,
"Scrounge off the nation all the time"
My neighbours discreetly scowl and stare,"look at They're scruffy face and hair", "They have no money not even shoes", "why should we work to pay their dues",
I thought about this seriously and I can see how judgemental folks can be.
Although disabled that woman is, she washes by hand happily,
no debt or loan do they have by name. no secret fiddling, not on the game.
 If you say I work and pay tax for them, then take your time and think again. There's lots of people with so much cash, especially Cameron with his stash.
if you want to take your anger out, then take it on them with plenty, create a world that shares the wealth, helping those without good health.
Eight millionaires in the cabinet are not good leaders for us all, They don't care about you, they're never likely to share they're money pool.
A country that cuts from the weak, is the poorest country of them all, inhumane, unhappy, with a nasty streak. A man and woman, so desperate for suicide, from a government that's guilty of genocide.

Monday, 7 November 2011


Living life as light as snow
Follow where the wind doth blow
Up high with tightened chest
Down low with bated breath
Senses heightened with the dream
Intricately sliced in a minute stream
Hallucinating pictures, colourful glare
Eyes translucent in a stare
Diamonds sparkle in the night
Ghostly Spiritual, images fight
Lucy swooning misty clouds
Dissipating thunderously loud
Harkening downward flight to hell
Crescendoing sound convincing sell
Tricked into a joyous haze
Believing magic, ending days

Sunday, 6 November 2011


Europe is dead, don't tell a lie, it cannot be saved so why do you try
Greece is the start of the future ahead, Spain will soon follow whatever next
Market's are collapsing, leaders will fall, countries will tumble into the hole
The euro is spent, the dollar will follow, people will suffer, tummies left hollow
stop telling lies to families of men, capitalism's death will be death of us all
Earth in confusion, millions distraught, the filthy rich richer the children left naught
welcome the Deutsche Mark, Lira and Drachma, return to the fold of countries
much nearer.
change the name of money to love give people freedom get rid of that stuff
billions have power over singular health, take it away and spread the whole wealth.


Emotionally disturbed from a trauma in life, expect to other people, seems rather trife
dedicated to uncertain future ahead, leading to what, has not come instead.
continue my friend, intricately send, a message to Rome or Venice
travel under the bridge of sighs, on a barge sending death to Clarice
the body of love entwined in a corpse with a demon that grasps at your soul
bereaved as loss of one so fraught, vine round a neck passionately sought
possession from hell taking evil desire to the lake of descent and burning in fire
hung from a gibbet, bodily bruised, went straight to heaven, the lords angels amused
people detest every fibre of breath that comes from your mouth and out of your chest
Satan has lost the right to the soul of a person who's life's captivated to hell.
traitorously tricked, forgiveness in sin, demon in hell, in spirit his win.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...