Tuesday, 31 December 2024

A New Year

spectrum of a spectacle having a lot 
to deny an equilibrium of  masses having not
singularity blinds the masculinity 
shrinking freedom of open vulnerability 
when the single become blessed 
cloning of a nation becomin’ the rest
free thinking replaced by a programmable mob
allow children to know to grow
dampen not the ability to show
condone a row’ in front of the kids
let them question what they have missed
have a laugh with a cry
teach them love without the shy
leave the cruelty in the sty
crudeness not done it has not a place
Comfort blessing with a smile on a face
joy is small let nothing replace
kindness is all care for the human race

Happy New Year everyone.
a piece of coal and a silver coin
my wish for all +
Give us our daily bread ‘a gift from God’

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