Tunnel dwellers living in the dark
sleeping on the ground or in the parkhands out hoping for a handful of help
From a cold careless country in a gambling belt
Tunnel dwellers beneath the feet
of those in casinos with riches complete
wasting millions to win or to lose
fodder for casinos from years of abuse
Tunnel dwellers all around the globe
strength in surviving, no ability to cope
serving time until winter comes
digging in deeper in a last desperate hope
America the great with a penalised state
walk past the homeless, life is great
England the wealthy, counting a penny
those uncared for children haven’t got any
apathy rules supreme it is often seen
countries around the world are obscene
prostituting children in wealthy city’s
no care for the poor and no time for pity
They must see the past about people’s need
war is inevitable with xenophobic greed
governments to blame for inciting gain
billions of poor still suffering in pain
Tunnel dwellers in the dark
hidden underground, no future, no spark
the poorest of poor, children in tow
In the darkest, deepest places
unnoticed in a hole