Friday, 24 May 2024

I of sound

I being of sound mind; ‘well almost!’ would like to state that on this day 24th May
 I could give up without too much sway, 
My desire is to please but not on my knees so then, 
why am I surrounded by a party that I feel uninvited to be at? 
taking suggestions as if it’s just for them to use, 
feeling alone, so confused. loneliness seems to be a trigger to thy doom, never required or required too soon, 
silence is as golden as the moon, though sharing the peace would be heaven on earth.
forever trying to be a team player without a team or so it would seem. 
I am hated, though I love. 
Not to cause a scene 

Posthumous behaviour

It was the day of blessings when I heard Elections were finally here, it is time to reflect on social care.
Look after souls that have been dampened.
disabled people require an honest assessment 
provide what the nation require for refreshment 

We can be concerned with all other problems in the world, things have to improve for every boy and girl.
Raise people out of poverty, stop daylight robbery,
transparency sought from politicians 
clear the ranks from genetic fobbery

Halt the financial train, the ill gotten gains
the wealthy hand me downs
a national population with frowns
teach children basic care for others
looking after people, mothers and fathers 

and most of all, allow people time to breathe
as a manager love your staff 
give them freedom to be with family
well enough wage to enjoy a life
enjoyment at work not too much strife. 

What a commotion

Blink, irreversible ripple wave, sleep irrevocably saved fall on a hardened floor, destroying foundations at war caution be the sign, if req...