Friday, 31 March 2023

Red Rose

I begged for a rose with scent so sweet
Planting it young beneath my feet
then watched it grow the flower red
It was joined by its sister in the small rose bed
on and on the bed grew fast 
with many colours that were set to last
but you see the crash then petrol burn
upon my field of roses grown
I pulled you from the burning wreck 
then cursed the lord 
you had broke your neck
Our true love just could not last
One red rose left, I placed in a vase
On your coffin lid made from glass.

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Starry night

A starry night, a wonder in sight
not to be seen clearly in the city 
it bleaches out the wonder that is space 
Without a thought we leave our trace
It is such a damn pity, selfish and gritty 

Walking the streets within my town
I look around mainly looking down
whitish spots across the pavements 
Mr Blobby’s raining gravements 
hard stick gum, lazy ravers

When we’re visited by an alien race 
will we see the laughs upon their face
then leave earth quickly, as fast as they came
go back home to never return again
disgusted sick,  for what they see
Leaving a review of a backward creed

Burying litter for the future
poisonous mass from an open suture
toxic fumes, a disgraceful mess
In a thousand years, we will be gone
leave them a present, help them digress

A starry eve what a place to be
on a clear night, look up and see
A twinkle of diamonds feeling free,
where would you go hypothetically ? 

Proud of Colour

The day I got a crow bar in my face Is the day I felt a real disgrace looking straight at fifteen Skinheads standing in my drape coat red Al...