Monday, 28 February 2022


I dance among the Lily’s, the aromatic scent recalling the day that your love last went, no truth or lie, the scent lingers long, though I cannot recall the memory of our song, 

The sheep flock on the hill in pastures anew, the hunger of the wolf, means no one is eating stew, mist rises up direct from the east, a full moon tonight quip’s  terror from the beast

Tracks run on far, too far to see, a trudging of a boy who lives in fantasy, the strength of the wind blows a storm across the land, a creaking broken roof brings death to the man

Lightening catch the fish, yet the anglers very far, exploding power towers have landed on his car, he lay there frozen stiff, wrapped with his belt, while electric powers sparking his dashboard does melt. 

Trees around fall, the womans feeling small, her heart is up for claim and she wishes to live again, the shack that she is within spins to lose or win, rain is pelting down, she’s in need of a friend, yet it is a shame, she has o friend to send.

The storm passes by, still he struggles on, weak at the knees, the once good friends have gone, hands are stiffened with bitter twisted vines, it’s too long to continue on in a chilled ugly life, without his best friend, his one departed wife. 

Mr Putin

Mr Putin - how do you want to be remembered ?
Killing children, Ukraine to tell
A bomb to power for a place in hell
Mr Putin - negotiate peace, a hundred year war for a thousand year lease
A world of Russians suffer for your abstract cause, 
Has history not shown you a thing about war! 
Mr Putin - how do you want to be remembered ?
A decade of ruin, a debt with a clause. 
Live a hero or die a fool ?

Saturday, 26 February 2022


Explosions all around, dying people everywhere , I hide behind the walls in dreads of fear, screaming in the street, lasers fill the grey void of winter chill, perhaps it’s time to swallow that final pill, as the building collapses into demise, I can hear the fainted passing of another life, in panic I cannot breathe and begin to sweat until I am soaked through and completely wet, there is a blast nearby loud of boast, am I to die?, I do not know, all of a sudden a shadow is close, I’m taken by the hand of a Holy Ghost, a guardian angel of subtle look, in one arm a tuba and the other hand a book “do not fear, she utters sweet”, for you are still alive within your sheets, she taps me gently upon my face I open my eyes to white satin lace, it was so surreal, a nightmarish dream or could have been the future that I haven’t yet seen, whatever the case another ruined night brought on by the panic of a horridly frightening sight. 

Beautiful Heart

A time frozen still, a picture in my mind, I shall keep it, as it is all but mine, an overwhelming feeling every day, When I close my eyes, I am where my heart doth lay, rolling hills blend a curvature of one land, I am mesmerised with the fields, so much that although I’m not there I can feel the grass with my clenched hand, I yearn to breathe, to touch, to feel, the Cotswold hill and the sheep still, yet I never will, blessed though they all be, this said is Englands victory, beautiful forests, breathtaking view, so what keeps me here? You may ask anew, a simple answer may be due for ‘there  is no better place on gods Green earth than to feel your kiss and be near you.

Bad Intentions

Beware foolish ghouls that attack you in your sleep, the tragedy of lost souls, a secret they may keep,

Beware little rascals with talons on their feet, cleverly disguised as children, laughing as you weep,

Tormented crying babies, within evil lurks, men that snipe with anger, narcissistic jerks 

Beware the rich and powerful, anger they will wield, reaping a failed stock of corn in their thousand acre field

Evil fortune bring it in, “our neighbour and our friend” they sing, the colleague of intentions poor, a little crazy, pretentiously poor, poisoning thought…‘what’s it for’

Beware a trail of heartache for history alas gone since, suicidal thoughts we have a lie and a sin, heal a soul daily with a prayer and a little gin. 

Thursday, 10 February 2022


No matter where you are, what you are doing or how busy…STOP!, walk outside, look at the view or the trees, the bird in the air, or simply the sky, take a moment,  absorb all, close your eyes & breathe

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Throwback Terror 

Don’t box me in, shout or holla

Don’t fight my love or grab my collar

Dont swear out loud or call me fat

Dont ridicule my words or cause a spat

Release a dream then let it go

Catch deceit then tell it no

Try to sleep, the hurt will go

the cure you see, is to let it be

take a rest then wait and see

Catch a minute of breath or calm

To start again will cause no harm. 

It’s just a tattoo on my arm

Friday, 4 February 2022

Tattered remains to last

For you see I had nothing but the wilful rejection of heartache, I left without thought, yet if I stayed I would have been laid to rest, my old friends are past, giving all to the last, lots of love with plenty of graft, god forgive the sharpened thorns that slash within clasp, evil are ruins of once darkened preparations casting thy eye to the devil in the reflective glass. 

The remainders barely alive, surrounded by the likened clutching of haunted demons from guidance by satan thus sailing the ship into the dark, there will be no return for the bedraggled souls wherein’ to cast their mark, nay’ I have been given a piece of heaven, the joy of freedom airs the almighty god of love, I pray in thanks to Jesus for the forgiveness from above,  haunted from a hurt that will endure, through and last, yet protected by his grace, true, loyal and steadfast. 

Psalm 115:1

Not to us, O Lord, not to us,

But to Your name give glory

Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

ciò che resta quando se ne va la lussuria

To quote, ‘love lasts forever’, tho' the strength of a strong vibrant flower weakens with a gasp of air, along with its fragility dies thus’ bringing it to an end and fateful demise, I grudgingly accept, ye’ will know of no such cause, till it unfolds an unnatural cause, passionately I kiss thee, thy feelings are unknown, o’ torment to be left forlorn, condemned ‘to have this desire for all, though in my fragile mind, Tis’ tainted, for I will love thee always, my heart will endure til’ the bitter finality of endured time, perhaps on’ 

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Super bad 

A bad choice at my time of life, obtuse to the core, I should have been wise, exclude the history of all good and done, an error of judgement that just, was not fun, the cracks are showing, a mental breakdown, I’ll live to regret the moment it begun.

Proud of Colour

The day I got a crow bar in my face Is the day I felt a real disgrace looking straight at fifteen Skinheads standing in my drape coat red Al...