Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Natural Progression of peace

It began with a fastidious coup, first there were a few, a steadfast point to serve irradiation of radicalism, a sway in the way, destroy the beast, finance the place of a hero, the price of oil from dollars to zero, he is sat in the carefree palace, democratic father, a justified god or Nero ?

Terrorism has had its day, destroy it and make them go away, yet a land cannot be forced to change, nor can you immediately heal a dog from the mange, freedom comes at a cost with death, pain & Loss, soldiers are people, people lose lives.

Closing the operation down, a choice of a clown, men flying home gaining little but a frown, a slap in the face, Neh! Courage is the victory, war isn’t won by force, winning is when the good rise from within of course, freedom will have its chance, at the last day, most probably with the last dance. 

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