Fragments of plastic everywhere, US of A, Europe, also here, stacks of bottles in all colours bound, take a peek, every service station shelf and shop, look all around, you’ll be surprised how much plastic can be found.
Frustrated, in despair, I emailed a local MP, to receive some positive action only to find she gave a kind, sorry reaction, too much profit in plastic sleeves, I must admit I feel somewhat aggrieved, it is becoming hard to believe.
Can anything be done to heal the glum for every Girl, Boy, Dad or Mum?, plastic rules the waves, I hear, have no fear, my dear, there is a plastic reef deep in the sea, within it all types of Marine entity.
Waste of non-Banksy art on display, we can go to see it one day, just visit the beach anywhere in the uk, see fragments of plastic shopping bags within the waves, Clownfish breeding in a plastic anemone, Yellowfin Tuna ‘POP’ up dead, covered in oil from fin to head.
Word from Patricio :- governments and those in a position to make changes must act now!.'Everyone can do something to make a difference however, like refusing supermarket vegetables wrapped in plastic, carrying shopping in paper bags instead of plastic, cutting down on pre-packed meals.
Whoever you are, have a think today!
what difference could you make?
A million insignificant changes to lifestyles or changes of things one can buy, Becomes significant without a try.