Thursday, 2 April 2015

A chancing exchange

Never had I witnessed such pure beauty looking across the room at you I saw.
A spiritual awareness of love my heart it doth flutter lightly, a choir of people in a large hall disintegrate into insignificance, 
the wall shrank to become a narrow corridor of you and I breaching the exceptional audible volume of loud chattering and music, we became lovers in an instant, I could feel you breathe touching you as if by magic, 
blissfully unaware of any sound or movement left in our spaced time capsule, feeling faint as you return a smile with eyes of green, a passionate affair directly to me, then suddenly at an abrupt end as a friend asks in a loud tone over the music
"Oih there's plenty of birds here, 
dyou want a pint or what?"


Hello my friend where have you gone?
Put scripture down without a song
Can't tell you where I'll come along
You sing the words to fear alone
Am lifting you up upon the throne

So hey why did you turn your back
A voice in mind a heart attack
You left me here with vicious claws
A wooden cart along a dirt track

The hill steeped in blood like river flows
Towards the Nile with bandaged toes
I climb on high where else I'll go
Your fortune smiles a stone you throw

Death destruction marks your way
Darkness follow on this day
Forgiveness may your will he be
Dispatch the green from Tuscany 

Two thousand years may be he reign
No soul be sent or will he save
 a blinding flash will come again
Spirits home release the slave
Fortune fears the weak or brave

What a commotion

Blink, irreversible ripple wave, sleep irrevocably saved fall on a hardened floor, destroying foundations at war caution be the sign, if req...