Controlling every thought within my brain
Paranoia from a sense of doom
Sometimes high, most of the time low
Never mind if it's all the same
I'll go back and start again
I see the corruption in every twist
A negative thought and a haloed kiss
The feeling good, over to soon
The sun has gone it's dark, sad
all that's left is the shadow of the moon
I walk alone along my path
I often cry and seldom laugh
am I the only one left to feel this way
No one listens long enough to hear my say, no one cares enough to feel
Follows my solitude with a Devils kill
Into the mortuary I will go one day
A dark little chapel, a final say
It would not be if it were up to me
My final heart would be beneath a tree
With birds wooing and calling their loves
A musical chorus from above
Peace from this depression
No more will I see the evil in life
The hatred from brothers in arms
Right wing atrocity, a race of
velocity to gain the power of murderous fate, big tall fence, a hardened Gate,
Scrape bloody fingers on the wall
I'll never be part of it at all.
Hallelujah, res ipsa loquitur, respice finem,
things speak for themselves, look back at the end, forget all the past hatred will not mend, darkened spirits descend to hell
resurgam in aeternum forever my friend.