Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Irretrievable burden

pain of misery within inside
Secret so deep that no one can hide
The latch left open, steps in the hall
Climb up sweet baby and out you'll fall

Quietly drown without a peep
Distant noise of  baaing sheep
Curtains closed, light shut out
Now you'll show them 
what it's all about

Sharpen the knife twist and hade
Nice and clean with a razor blade
Radically taken on a ride to hell
Congregate by the Devils bell

Sweet the sound of patient bur
Reaching out for a loving spur
Suffer the wrath of an Angels whip
Grasp the cup and have a sip
Sweetly poisoned sleep the host
Waken up as a haunted ghost

Burdened life for a hundred years
Suffer pain and all the tears
Wounds within will hardly be seen
Hidden throughout the mean machine
Walk the soiled trodden sod
patiently wait for a call from God.

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