Friday, 26 July 2013

Miss me but let me go

Edgar A. Guest

When I come to the end of the road 
And the sun has set for me 
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room. 
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little–but not too long 
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared, 
Miss me–but let me go.

For this is a journey that we all must take 
And each must go alone. 
It's all a part of the Master's plan, 
A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick of heart 
Go to the friends we know 
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds. 
Miss Me–But Let me Go!

The world at ease

If only the world could be at ease
to float through life with peaceful ways
to never know an existence of struggle
never lash out. nor hit in a squabble. 
A mans future preserved for life.
Not taken away with a gun or a knife
soldier's could go and feed the poor, 
Wives would not lose husbands at war.
The devil, at last, banished to hell,
taking with him the evil that
Man's shame, to say or touch love, god removing the awkwardness,
with a peaceful glove, 
By grace we are here, at the end we fall, 
Live proud, strong, give to be good, 
Receive from the poor, 
It will come for us all, the rich and unjust
the world  at ease, filled with love, casting away emotions of hate, returning  to heaven, 
the angels gate. 

A snake bit me

I trod on a snake and the snake bit me
Damn! it hurt with his fangs in my knee
I've got thirty seconds until I go blind  
Only thirty seconds to see
Twenty seconds until I am dead
Twenty seconds, that are left in me
There's Poison moving along my vain,
Leaving me in unbearable pain,
Toxins stretching and reaching my Hands,
 I go kind of numb as it clutches my glands,
Ten seconds left, until it reaches my heart,
With Gods forgiveness, 
I pray death comes fast
Coz the way I'm feeling now Like, I'm not gonna last,
 my life ebbs away, as broken glass. 
five seconds to spare,I fall into a chair, my skin is so sore,  
That I can't bare
 the pain inside,  no not anymore... it is so awf......aargh!.aaah. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Are you free? Now let's have a look and see, restricted by work or school
The time keeps you there or else they think you a fool
9 - 5 or shifts away, so late home you may aswel stay
Restricted by money, give it to your honey, or go to a bar where they'll think you are funny
How comes the government just know how much to tax you? To leave you broke
Just enough cash left for cigarettes and a coke
Trapped by the rules they teach us in school, 'don't take your clothes off or jump naked into the pool!'
Do clock in so we know your on time, don't leave too early, you'll earn every dime.
Freedom isn't the state we are in, it's the state of mind we allow ourselves, so begin
Lay on the floor, close your eyes to the world, think of nothing. Don't hear the phone or the bell
Empty your mind from all thoughts and worries, release all the guilt of troubles and sorry's
Allow your brain to rest for a while then open your eyes and allow in a smile.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


A heroin addict, Simon is his name, struggles everyday, no two hours are the same
He is far too young to be caught with such a fame, forgiven for the sin for he is not to blame
It was only nine months to be in such a state, maybe he'll be lifted by an angel through heavens gate
Maybe he'll be cared for and come out the other side,  see the world he lives in with no need to hide
to be born this way it is such a shame, innocent and weightless with not an ounce in gain
She didn't mean to have him, lost and confused, treated badly by her boyfriend used and abused.
His poor mum was led astray, prostituted for drugs in the meanest possible way
she did not want to have Simon, to get pregnant by a person with no knowledge of his name
give birth to this sad little baby on such an awful day.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The door of opportunity

The door is closing, the dark is closing in
opportunity is a striven challenge 
Ones place in life from a  grasping youth
the competitive edge of a figure skaters tooth
ageless attitude of one so young
Use of mind instead of connecting their tongue
creativity, a combination of intelligence with imagination, keeping calm above all frustration
Seeing more of your relatives dead
bury George and Mildred and your best friend Fred. question your life, seen as past value, sleep in ones socks
protect your feet from the cramps
No one is interested in you poor old gramps,
your past your best your ageing within  the door is closing, the dark is closing in

Monday, 10 June 2013

Webb of Ivy

The root of the ivy grabs hard at the soil, 
Leaves creep up the tree in a tangled embroil, winding like a Webb grabbing as it goes, how high it grips, nobody knows
Hard to pull off the bark, some cancers appear the same destroying fresh tissue removing it is insane, doesn't matter how you take it away there's always such destruction to the outer membrane.
Killing the light, stopping the growth, unimaginable damage to the unwary host 
Leaving the tree like a dead wooded ghost

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...