Sunday, 13 February 2011

Whatever the weather

Any chance for a dance on this lonely february morn, not a chance for a prance since the day You were born.
any kiss for a miss on this quiet summers  eve
Not a fish on a dish now would you believe
Any time for a rhyme on this rainy autumn day
Not a penny or a dime can get the sun to shine.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Where is hope

Where is hope

In the depth of sorrow,
filled with gloom
The sun shines through
A lightened room

In the middle of a haunting
That appears most daunting
A strength of need
Springs up from seed

Hope abandonment
A joy, is not left
New strength within
Begin again, begin again

Wait for dreams
Simplistic Isolation,
an act of watching
A life of passing by
Sit around, weep and cry

always a good hope
When life is in smoke
Never give in or go without
Not when there is love about.

Happiness is found, when none appears around,
Consider an end, at an end
Fear of hurt, in the past
Your desire is within grasp
abandon your soul
with a heart of glass.
let it last, let it last.

Monday, 24 January 2011

The Little Fete

Author - Li Po 8th Century

"I take a bottle of wine and I go drink it among the flowers.

We are always three ... counting my shadow and my friend the shimmering moon

Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking, and my shadow is never thirsty

When I sing, the moon listens to me in silence. when I dance, my shadow dances too.

After all festivities the guests must depart. this sadness I do not know.

When I go home, the moon goes with me and my shadow follows me"

Friday, 12 November 2010


Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were born into a life without money ?
well here goes Lesson 1.
My belief is that money not need exist, we could go to school for free, use hospitals for free, not one person would complain that another is not working, or is working harder than someone else and earning less, or is getting on better financially than themselves.
lets see, a rolls Royce car is made and costs an absolute fortune, if we were to remove the price of the equipment and materials to make one, also remove the wage paid to an employee to make one, then everybody could have one, sounds simplistic and it is, remove money and remove greed, a person needs a car to go to work then supply their need, if a person has got an absolute vocation to be a doctor or a computer analyst then this could also be possible, it would not matter which gender they are or what background they come from, everybody could be whatever they desire to be, okay there will be a limit to each persons capacity to learn, so the doctor that person becomes would be dependant on personal intelligence, ability or drive, they may only make it to be a nurse but because its their desire in the first place, then wether they are a Auxillary Carer, Nurse, Doctor or whichever level they reach then this would be done with happiness and care, instead of wealth, wages would not be a driving force, no, the desire to make people happy and gain a good place in life would be more important, to live happy and on the same level as everybody else, not be forced into slave labour that is today's England, between 40 and 70 hours a week.
the average working hours could and should be no more than twenty hours, everybody would work and everybody would desire to improve themselves unless they are not able too, through a disability of some description then we would simply make sure that person has anything they want.. this is possible and hopefully in the future it could be a reality.
No more Tax. No more hunger. No more Rich and most of all, No more Poor, No starvation. I hope this message gets through to one person, I hope the world will eventually stop the desperation of the human race from greed. I hate todays brittian, I was absolutely destroyed that this nation would once again vote the conservatives back into power, right wing extremists that only care about making money, even if people that dont quite fit into the perfect hard working tax paying slave bracket that this evil nation expects them to do, they will starve to death, No Work, No money!, We should be ashamed.
I hope my dream comes true one day, get rid of money, there is enough to go round, if we share everything, farming, production, Care and Love, THE EARTH

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...