Wednesday, 26 February 2025

When ?

When is the time to be caring ?
When is the time to be kind ?
When is the time to be honest ?
When is the time to love ?
When is the time to stop caring ?
When is the time to stop being Kind ?
When is the time to lie ?
When is the time to stop loving ?
When is the time to be hellacious ?
when is it time to be ferocious ?
When is it time to be controlling ?
When is it time to condemn ?
When is it time to relax and let go ?
All the time, sometimes, never!…will we know ?

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Red and White Straw-Sail

Perspiring thy ugliness, sweat on the brow
from good to evil, not knowing how
perfidious in growth with torture around
Machiavellian severity, death will be found.

Slice through veins, cut with will
destroy thy enemy from a view on a hill
run as one, swords in hand
axes ready, a raid on this land

Spoils of thunder, wrath of Thor
bid ye’ no rest from the gods of war
water reigns over mountainside
cloud thee over the mist o’er bride

Gently settle, onwards flow
into lands cleansed with snow
red stained fields, towns of fire
one must recover with rested respire

Graceful gods, a thousand years pass
the only raid now is crystal in glass 
countries of peace or so they say
until the judged devil doth have his day

The futuristic person will feign dismay
at that time humanity will pass away
comfort in wealth, oh have the last shout
watch out, watch out ‘there’s a Humphrey about!’.

Monday, 17 February 2025

No gas to bake a cake

Glance at the phone, contacting no-one,

letters unopened, see bygones be gone, 

lie in a darkened room, 

while not wanting to venture outside, 

destruction all around, the death of a young bride

Loving, hugging, kissing, adventuring, 

a new beginning, a fresh breeze in life, 

taking a long honeymoon in a place afar from Fife, 

not long before it sours for the gullible young wife.

A debt to the national need, 

gambling addiction within the seed, 

the house is riddled with pests, 

cockroaches desperate to feed, 

woodworm will eat at the skirting, 

damp rots the eves, 

happiness never meant to last, 

it withered away fast.

dare not to open the door, 

unsure of the final score

wolves bang with sticks, 

men with tractors and picks, 

fear of facing the rain, 

he’d taken the gun and run, 

too surreal for what started as fun, 

unforeseeing what was to come, 

hidden within her shadow, 

the only reminder left is ache, 

no gas to bake a cake. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Rise of the New Dawn

The whirly wonder of a wintery storm
Ancient weather to devour the norm
Rotating hurricane, ice cold snow
Trudging on with no place to go
Close to spring, a flower on show
A bud of yellow says “here I go”
Many more are sprouting now
A new year begins, little kittens meow
Beginning life all over the land 
Cows in shed, lambs that were planned
Rising of the sun, warming old England
Wearing nice clothes with our new wedding theme
Washing the windows, a pretty spring clean
Looking more beautiful than I’ve ever seen.                     


‘Luscious landscapes picturesquely serene’

Sunday, 9 February 2025


I will not whimper away from love
even if they; are afraid to show it
I will not cower away from caring
although they; may despise it
I am an emotional man
doing the most I can to be as strong as I am
so judge me or accept me for showing
I will not change; I am as, open as a book
walk away and laugh,  my world may be shook
do not glance back to take another look. 

At my end

When the end has come
I will be forgotten  
One or two will mourn for a week
others may relinquish speech
most will not cry when I die
Continue on without wondering; why? 
So, forget my life without a stutter
don’t think of me, I do not matter
only one thing, I have to ask
a very small useful task
it will not help me but can help you
open the New Testament, a page will do
read a small verse of scripture song
pray the Lord’s Prayer & follow on.


A Viking with an axe cutting through skin
killing for gold, even one’s own kin
invading lands in shallow low boats
sails of red and white from the blood of goats
strength in their core, vicious in war
excited by death from blood and gore
one may be asked ‘what did you come here for ?’
he answers -
- “to plough your fields and take some more”.

The Night of Dance

Remember we used to dance as if it were our last chance it was our last chance so we used to dance On into the night  exhausted with the del...