Sunday, 15 September 2024


Waking in the darkness of night
the moon shapes the shadows, 
predatory creatures roam the streets of fright
Foxes screams are heard from afar
cubs hunger a cry of wah 
cars rumbling at the concrete road
killing all in their path
creeping along the street that leads into a passage 
waiting is the man with a knife 
fearful from a life of baggage
‘a peaceful little town’ they say 
then not return once they have been away
who is next to be caught in a web
for they cannot go back to living dead

Friday, 13 September 2024

Prayer of restoration

Oh lord hearken thy call
release thee from thine abominable fall
let thy clutching for joy be at the end
thy peace of eternity 
tho’ forward do send

Unquenchable Loneliness

Thy soul in darkness departed from all sense of awareness, disconnected tho’ is considered normality, untouched by reality, feeling a deep sense of unquenchable loneliness. 
A shimmering dagger placed close to thy heart, one small joust of release, reappropriating disordered whirlwind of chaos then peace.
silence as a restoration of thy soul endures a wait to infinity 
gone are expectations of inconsequential ability,
sleep for what appears to be eternity,
never to wake. 

Thursday, 12 September 2024

What can I do at 62 ?

Working long hours, a life I have lived
never expected anything, had nothing to give 
promoted many times to strive even harder
still there was no storage to put in the larder
I might just quit, what else is there to do? 
for a no good bastard of 62

Grasping at happiness, failing at all
many times over there is no drop to fall
career minded slave yet awkwardly blinded
deceit is the gift from trusting in kindness
I know it ends soon then I will go home 
though knowing my luck, I’ll be digging up bones

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Poetry of Rhyme

One day I decided a poet would be brave
thus started the works of colour in grey
I glanced up at the clock ‘‘twas end of the day
my heart not content but filled with dismay
for it was broken by whatever  
some nonsense I had written
forlornly rhyming gibberish 
from a soul that had been bitten

A photographer I fancied
would be geographically flourished
so began taking pictures of the undernourished
mr blobby at his best in a white chequered vest
drinking a strong looking beer In an alcoholic mess
ignorantly not realising his heart was bereft
at the end of his nightmare taking a rest

someone said a ‘painter you possibly could be’
I held a brush in my hand and began merrily
painting a shadow, a wall, a house
spreading the paint in shape of a mouse
painting skirting, as grey as my heart
sometimes wishing, I never did start
then a master came along
said ‘a painter you’ll never be’
fruitfully hysterical, at the state of me

So I turned my life around, one last time
continued writing a book longer than a rhyme
I finished the end, the beginning was next
yet the middle was difficult it flustered me vext
I gave up the job with poetry in mind 
I wrote a diddle with a middle, of a boy with a fiddle 
a poem so soulful like a steak on a griddle
a story of life going down in the puddle
a poet I cannot be without rhyme and riddle. 

Friday, 23 August 2024

Little Butterfly

Come down here or you’ll get stuck 
do not flutter and fly into what’s bad luck
you may be pretty but your daft as a brush
going to nowhere to a higher up hush
come land on my hand I will take you outside
not near the light where you may get fried
there is freedom in trust and love in my word
to do anything but release you would be quite absurd
with a little understanding it flew and I cupped
sitting for a while not leaving abrupt
within a few minutes it flew into the sky
with a flap of its wings to whisper goodbye

A gift to the world

My one ‘true love’was a man that loved his mother
A man that cared for the world
A man that tried also to please everyone 
A man that was manipulated through life
A man in love with his daughter and wife
A man with a beautiful heart
A man that spoke to each and everyone
This man loved music and was considered a king
with a god given talent more precious than any
The day he died the whole world
Fell in to mourning destroyed by such loss
I was as heartbroken as were most 
stories have been told and the truth been lost
I pray to God that he is in heaven 
I also pray that one day I shall meet him 
by the side of Jesus Christ our lord
Thank you dear Lord for a gift given to all
Elvis Aaron Presley 

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...