Saturday, 10 August 2024

Our Dogs

Our best friends are our dogs, they love to go out, waiting in anticipation and looking at us intently; which is their talk, waiting for their favourite word ‘walk’
When we go to work people left are disgruntled showing it upon our return, they rarely learn, our dogs no matter how long alone, are excited to see us, wanting nothing more than to give us a fuss, they don’t hiss and cuss; ‘not our dogs’ they love our hugs and cuddles then to sleep off their hard days sleep. Feeding them are no hard joys, eating food that is pre-baked then now and again having steak
When we go to bed they lay on the end, no trouble to mend except the extra leg room to stretch, then slowly slip up the bed, resting behind our knees then nearer our head, waking up with a kiss to check if we’re dead.
We will only have them for a few short years and when that day comes we will cry tears and tears, why do we go through it against all odds, because we love nothing better but to love our dogs. 


Tuesday, 30 July 2024

No Daddy’s rich girl #

I grew old but I did not see, the last time since you desired me
I remember my dad he told me ‘no’
You don’t go messing with any old hoe
no daddy’s rich gal from head to toe
No, No, Nooo daddy’s rich girl that can’t say ‘no’

Son, find a nice lady that you can love
a pretty little girl that won’t be shoved
I tell you this now coz I have paid
for loving everyone I have laid
they left me empty with nothing but bone
while talking to guys on the phone
so don’t go messing with any young hoe 
no daddy’s rich gal from head to toe
No, No, Nooo daddy’s rich girl that can’t say no

Swee—et as a cherry and nice as a pie
blond haired beauty from eye to eye
ve—ry tasty and a cute hello 
Great kissing lips you dare not go
So I say don’t go messing with any hoe
No spoiled rich girl from head to toe
No, No, Nooo daddy’s rich girl that can’t say no

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Love & care

Enter the heart of a man alive
existentially focused on a will to survive
ministerial grimace, dreadful low fights 
struggled for always, or forever will strive 

War aimed at the poor a Thatcherism trait
unemployment is not welcome at the working gate
yet wealthy side stepping taxes is an acceptable fate
cash in the pocket of anyone’s mate

I believe in a socialist utopia 
where people can be in peace
not struggle to survive
thank not the rich for being alive

Everyone deserves peace and happiness forever
wealthy, poor or lying in the gutter
so be kind to all,  place feeling in your gut 
capitalisms  a way of living 
if you don’t mind being stuck in a rut

Thursday, 18 July 2024

The fall

A Rocky Mountain, a long way to walk
desperate and alone 
it’s not worth the talk
a friend takes you under his wing
a moment in time hearing him sing 
rock is the toughest commodity on earth 
yet even rock tarnishes over fire
live honest, with a heart of truth
or grow soulless coz you are a liar
when your tired lay, down and rest
live tomorrow, get it of your chest
away awash when the rain doth fall
you will never grow old 
within the mountain call

Sunday, 14 July 2024

The Price

The true cost of death is the loss of a soul
floating around houses with nowhere to go
tapping on windows, bouncing on beds
what a waste of time for someone that’s dead

Seventy years alive not achieving ought
then thrashing around dead wandering about
no reflection in a mirror, no smelling of scent
reminder in the garage is a car with a dent

spirit in a bottle, drink in hand
swallow it down then sing with the band
stumble from the pub fall into the car
crash through the tavern with the ornate bar

Mentioned as a person with a good heart
only unlucky the car had to start
a moment of joy, a will to drive home
taking a risk in the vehicle alone

Whisky to stay alive, a minute to die
randomly surprised by a fly in the eye
free to roam in absent abiss 
not a goodbye and no one to kiss

Heavens a gift for those who love life
a passionate faith and loving wife
respect for the living, prayer for the dead
choices were made so lay in your bed.

only a person, fool to be right
sleeping a long way, way into the night
take a prayer for a journey so rough
a road of hell without any love

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Night Terror

How serene to be seen, walking in the park
yet not when it is dark, that is when
the monsters come out to play 
they carry you away, to where you dare not stay

Hidden in the shadows unseen
where they have always been 
In the under-grove ready; to tear at your spleen
you will for the last time, ever be seen

The wicked ghouls will first eat your heart
that is where they will start, then open your head 
making sure you are dead, kind of insane 
they will feast on your brain

A rapture of squeals, enjoying their meals 
you were walking alone with a mobile phone 
the last sound heard is gnawing your bone 
never should you have taken that walk alone

Remember that day waking up in sweat 
the blanket tightly round you, the bed soaking wet 
with heart pulsating, a dread in fear 
two thousand and twenty, that was the year! 

Monday, 8 July 2024

Do you remember?

Do you remember when
Days were at peace, feel good about the world?
Do you remember
Waking up thinking ‘this is a great place to be
I love everything especially the trees?
Do you remember 
First love, holding hands, spring flowers, summer sun
Days of rapturous fun? 
Do you remember 
Your children being born, love being torn
miracles of life were the look on your baby’s face
do you remember
much of it or snippets of pieces, why does it go?
I haemorrhage all that I am, no more do I know.

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...