Words are spoken. Not necessarily true
stories are foretold about me and you
“He’s always late”, she doesn’t eat
Unless it’s some cheese and a plate full of meat
irrelevant rubbish, neither truth nor very sweet
Work hard for years, not a thank you in sight
give all your time, strength and your might
wonder if one day be recognised for your worth
instead of your belly of carbs
and your exaggerated girth
Is it really worth it? never been til your gone
bullied through school and 60 years on
lies are more telling than years of hard slog
beaten to the ground like an uncared for dog
never will see the trees through all of the fog
Gregariousness is a fake kind of me
hidden from view is where I’m comfortably
alone in the world created from fear
never let it be shown this emotional tear
you’ll always see me happy without any care.
no one person can help the struggle you feel
a climb can be lonely and always up hill
just keep on going to reach your goals end
through life or through death
One day, your struggle will end