Walk through the Valley, injustice at thy steed, tread very carefully, move with speed, be certain for righteousness whatever thy need, the path is hazardous wherever it leads.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Masculine Throng
Gone when I returned, one vanquished and twenty, reason not found, yet there were you whence I came around, resting quiet, perfect and still, not a blemish nor a mark in glorious colour, my heart subdued, there you lay statuette in the dark.
Friday, 20 August 2021
A Hard Man
A heart set in stone, leathered face, forever alone, persecution carved on a concrete throne, where is the man that longed for eternal love to be held tight? transparency departed, weakened internal fight, known to some as a rock, prepared to kill, yet peculiarities to the few, a hero that feels, Where is the man that longed for love, to belong, has long since passed and long since gone.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Natural Progression of peace
It began with a fastidious coup, first there were a few, a steadfast point to serve irradiation of radicalism, a sway in the way, destroy the beast, finance the place of a hero, the price of oil from dollars to zero, he is sat in the carefree palace, democratic father, a justified god or Nero ?
Terrorism has had its day, destroy it and make them go away, yet a land cannot be forced to change, nor can you immediately heal a dog from the mange, freedom comes at a cost with death, pain & Loss, soldiers are people, people lose lives.
Closing the operation down, a choice of a clown, men flying home gaining little but a frown, a slap in the face, Neh! Courage is the victory, war isn’t won by force, winning is when the good rise from within of course, freedom will have its chance, at the last day, most probably with the last dance.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
A beautiful Day
Along the beach, the waves are crashing, hitting the rocks, sometimes smashing, the Surf is strong, water is white, high in a peak, the surfers delight, strong legs push, the board swishes, a heavenly kiss from the angelic like fishes, the wave rolls high and spins thou leaps, a mermaid catches then pulls them deep, a gulp of water, swim up not stop, find thy board and climb on top, a beautiful day
Rest in the sun
A bright day, summer at play, they cannot wait to have fun again, young at heart, old in scorn, slightly fragile, a little forlorn, years gone by, aged & worn.
Lovely feeling when the sun warms our skin, hardly see thy kin, rusty old fingers, unbendable digit, bore me not for I begin to fidget, beautiful years of sunshine ahead, could be miserable but then, I could be dead, remove the voices from thy thoughts close our eyes and rest thou head
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Forever more I will be.
Nothing am I, if you pass me on your travels then walk on by, if you smile I will wait a while, your desire is not my fire, I ring no bell on a church spire, I will be forgotten within a month when I pass on by.
If you love me, tell me so, I will love you back, I will not hold, yet if you don’t then let me go, to live as free is as much joy than a rich mans gold, wrap yourself in me or let me be.
If you ever feel lost in thoughts of once apon a time, I am there with my mobile phone, your burden will be mine then once when alone, you may not care, I will not be there, alone I can be even when in company and forever more, I will be.
Forever more I will be.
End of the World is Near!!
Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...

Glance at the phone, contacting no-one, letters unopened, see bygones be gone, lie in a darkened room, while not wanting to venture outsid...
Deep as an arrow, wounded by thy words of bitter resentment, cut in throes of ecstasy, same toxicity, hurt on the right, tr...
A painting in a prominent place where everyone can see it’s on a wall, set in location; forever it reminds us of the sadness, the passing,...