Tuesday, 9 February 2021

When your at rock bottom there is only one way you can go!! 

Every house built, starts from a single brick

successful people achieve one success at a time

Accept sometimes you  fail,  pick yourself up and rise  from the ashes as if you are a phoenix!.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

What’s a day worth ?

Wash away your worries, seal your regrets 

The capable person is one who forgets

put your head  in the fridge to chill 

Take one more of those little yellow pills

Just remember to eat your bread

you won’t be eating anything when your dead

So do what you like, whatever makes you happy

Why panic about triviality, then feel crappy

Go to bed at nine, read a book or watch TV

Whatever you do decide to do

keep calm and breathe easy

Undazzle translucent, melt the fusion

Where possible, be a living light, airless and breezy 

Free of restraints, without the confusion

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Breathe in a new year

Snow capped mountains, freshwater rivers run, mineralised forests whistle, an accompanied humm, swishing a swathe rustle thumping drum, words of operatic splendour everyday song, whirling motions, tuneful tones, winter chills deep to the bone

Waves of eruption on earths weakened edge clustered cartilage boulders fragmenting to stone, smashing tiny fragments returning them home, plasticised death a whales unnatural feed, empty sea of fish oversubscribed netted, unfree

The moon above protruding its shimmering light, follow it with caution deep into the night, shadows of a glimmering light, glowing red of the planet Mars, birds of the world together following the stars

There is streak of light broadening warmth across the world, Spring promises flourish of life, a new year unfurls, shoots of crocus flower, daffodils anew, luscious grass is melting mist from a morning dew

Born a child in London the fog hurt my throat, I had never seen a cow for real or the milk from a goat  Fur hats worn aplenty by neighbouring Hispanic Jews, richest folk wore thick fine furs from minks of rare but few, England could be a better place now if we knew then what the richest can do

Friday, 29 January 2021


Can I offer you light, the warmth of a blanket

Speak words of comfort to help your fight

Can I Wrap you in friendship then say goodnight

Will you stay not taking flight

Speak to me no more warrior of life

Do not share a song if it’s all the same

For you were Tilted like Chaleur Humaine

can I drink with you one last time

dance away relinquish the flame

 Rollicking a rolling away goes the bus

An exchange of thought in a valley of dust.

This world is dreadfully unjust

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Is it an ‘Ism’ ?

Look around see the chasm, maybe it’s part of the human condition? , a gain in power to hide a spasm, irrelevant, there is a truth, is there a fundamental flaw in anything that is an ‘ism?”

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Wretched Saviour

As I was strolling I fell into hell, through a slivered slope, unbeknownst to thine eyes, ferocious fire swarmed til’ a screeching sought my soul, spiting thy living breath oust of thou’ humanity, thus death bequeathed a punishable end, 

Thou’ god reached far into the depth of Satan’s grasp with one hand astray, casting thy sway, compliments of graciousness to live another day, miracles he; thus passed , I thank thee lord forever at last, forgiveness of thy past. 

Avid Viewer

Psychology dreamt to condemn the weak, television showing a weekly episode of the obtruded personage freak, an alien escaped the poverty torn land that they once escaped, living near free, lest cheap, condemnation through hard working viewers call it evening entertainment, obesist unemployable leech, thoughts spoken the least, deceitful treacherous Connivant political motive, designated corruption outset, broadcasting agenda smearing, molecule percentages inconsequentialy important realism,  provoking intellectual change, hideousness, a generational sect, National depth of inhumanity for a polling box collect

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...