Douse me in fuel, watch me go,
set me on fire, coz I’m a right so and so.
I leave a legacy of sorrow and pain, therefore I give advanced warning for my grandchildren, there on, if you aren’t keen to continue my burden, think it slow, time is plentiful, everyone can yearn for your achievement, afore disappearing from sight, parading their might, way into the night.
My punishers, who dared to slay, the benefit of my offering, I, ‘being a thick skinned intellectual’, you believe your worth to be clever, going forth to lower your own self esteem while destroying mine, I know what you have done and can bide my way, whatever comes around then goes around, I fear you are out of measure and sync, You may suffer but I’ll move along, I will be fine.
Crying is a fools game, yet it is something I do all the same, am I embarrassed by my showing of feelings? I would be contrived to reject such a natural aspect of my soul, perceived to be a fool, nay’ is simple, to be stigmatised in such a way that I am, therefore, I am
The entire galaxy may collapse, the planets be drawn toward one another, colliding dreadfully, a fierce diligent reactionary explosion to unbalance magnetism within the solar system, the power of a mighty implosion, a nucleus force, yet instead something calmer could be, rain may fall, cause no damage at all, a drowning of ones heart, ye’ a destructive force, ravaging downward withering thy failed organs bringing about extinction of a classless bully.
Dust settles about, it is a wasteful talent, hurricane blowing away the remains of death, reclusive molecules of irrelevant ions stain ones path of nothingness forevermore, a sweet scent and statue fills the void as a reminder of your once being, perfume of indistinguishable aroma fill thy sorrow soon forgotten, justification for wealth or gratification a spiritual awareness of evil fought, alas also gone, there’s no kind memory of once your here, no loss of heart, no wave with cheer, no remembrance of the year.
Procrastinating over triviality, loss of Cents, panic driven Dollar, you vipers, can’t you hear the children cry?,
Starvation be the wealthy’s tax on the poor. Trump angers me, I tremble, abolish the welfare state! Why are you not angry for the presidents gloat?
Do not riot or fight for the cause, stand, march, join together, have the peaceful say, use your democratic vote to change his way, get rid of the beast of hate.
The lesson to everyone is change, White, Black, Muslim, Jew, why bow down to just a few, Xenophobic neighbour contemptuous fate,
It is not concern with colour, just a problem with hate abolish guns that they kill others with, feed the hunger, house the homeless that, your killing them with.
you self righteous cowards, die and leave the legacy of the past that your death will leave for the future, take a look at your reflection it kind of suits yer.
I remember the day we ran through the fields of green laughing as we did, your hair, Wildly blowing in the subtle breeze, the golden stilettos you were wearing sank into the soft soil, our legs crossed just before we tumbled to the ground, while we lie there, I leant forward to kiss your soft red lips, the precious moment appeared as if in a dream that seemed to last forever, yet in reality it was a fleeting whisper of a butterfly’s wing, I raised my head to purchase your ageless beauty once again but, when I did, you were gone. For a brief second, I died once more, with you.
Standing in openness at Woodmancote all alone without hope a feeling of love in my heart acceptance of a brand new start I had never seen th...