Procrastinating over triviality, loss of Cents, panic driven Dollar, you vipers, can’t you hear the children cry?,
Starvation be the wealthy’s tax on the poor. Trump angers me, I tremble, abolish the welfare state! Why are you not angry for the presidents gloat?
Do not riot or fight for the cause, stand, march, join together, have the peaceful say, use your democratic vote to change his way, get rid of the beast of hate.
The lesson to everyone is change, White, Black, Muslim, Jew, why bow down to just a few, Xenophobic neighbour contemptuous fate,
It is not concern with colour, just a problem with hate abolish guns that they kill others with, feed the hunger, house the homeless that, your killing them with.
you self righteous cowards, die and leave the legacy of the past that your death will leave for the future, take a look at your reflection it kind of suits yer.