Thursday, 17 October 2019

Quarry Gate

Deep, round historical quarry, houses so low, difficult to breathe, obstreperous to know, the wind hardly blows, the sun rarely goes, it frequently floods down here below.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

See the Good

When I’m asked by others ‘why am I kind to people that hurt me?’ I simply reply “I see the good in them”

’Why do you smile and say good morning to hundreds of people every day when they cannot even look at you or they kiss their lips at you in a rasping fashion? , my reply is “I see the good in them”.

Why are you keen to wave and smile at another road user who has just called you an obscene word and used their hand with a swearing sign?, “because I see the good in them”.

Why are you kind to others that do not even appreciate your existence and will not give you the time of day?, “it’s simply, I see the good in them” 

’ You say you see the good in people, yet you are easily angered by political decisions and those like David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson!, Why? “The only reply to this question is”, 

“Their actions towards the National health service, the disabled and the general population are heinous, not to mention the forcing of people into homelessness,how many people must die with illness?, hunger?, depression?, apathetic voters of this country must realise Conservatives decisions are for profit making capitalism and greed, not of a government that care about the good in people!”. 

After the so-called Brexit, wait to see Conservatives Part 2,? Irradication of workers rights with zero contracts and no protection, everyone who can afford it will be forced to take Private medical insurance to receive a third world hospital service, also the abolition of the minimum wage, following the not forgotten Tories of the late 1970’s, who did exactly this, include in this, mass unemployment to force wages down.. I cannot see the good in these people because there are no good in these people, Just hate and greed. Money is man made, it does not exist in reality, it’s just a tool to control the masses. People will continue to survive whether they have money or not. Maybe then my lifelong dream will become a reality that ‘everyone will see the good in everyone else no matter their circumstances to bring about the end for the use of money as a trade. To extinguish the world of capitalism.

Monday, 14 October 2019

The future of History

Another fish bowl angled empty, Sun is warming a purple sky, clouds dissipate acid rain, a drought is expectantly nye

Jim knows best, he’s lived through it all,  two world wars, metal plate screwed into his skull, Alas the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

Petrified by a ghost drinking tea, what a peculiar thing to see, it was a vision he saw at the end of the bed, not quite living, yet not quite dead

plastic fish, yellow snow, blackened road, batteries on the way to bring you home, squidgy squashy insects are an all time low, hear the squealing death,                                     of the great king toad.  

Shutting her eyes in a forest,                               listening to an eerie sound, wind rustling, hooting owls, rumbling in stomach, moving of bowels, no place here for shit covered snails                              

Hearing her sighs, she taps a stick, a Labrador stands close by it gives her a lick.  Having a rest in the large red chair, on her lap, a golden head peeps,                   she closes her eyes for an everlasting sleep.

Friday, 11 October 2019


A bear went a wandering in the forest one day, craving some honey to eat.                  
While searching the trees for some sweet grub, a Honey Bee he did meet.                        
“Hello I’m Busy” the honey Bee did say, “hello I’m Grizzly” I have come a long way,
“what are you looking for on this sunny day” said the little busy bee in his little buzzy way,
“I’m looking for Honey, way up in a tree, I must find some now as I’m hungry you see,
my tummy is rumbling it’s been empty for weeks, there’s some delicious berries though it’s honey I seek”, the little honey bee could feel the bears need, but destruction of the hive would be sad indeed,
so he said rather meekly, “I am Just a  Buzzing bee, I am collecting pollen to make some sweet Hon....oops, I’m ever so busy”, “if you want some honey to fill your belly, it’s no good searching in trees, look for it in jars, to get the tastiest sweet flavour, thick golden honey, what a treat.
The buzzing bee said “goodbye Grizzly”, as he flew away,  “hope to see you again some day”.
The small bears face dropped, in a sad way, his eyes averted from his destiny,
“all I wanted was a little honey, Buzz off little Bumble bee” ,
 “go back to your sweet hon... oops”. The little bear said, then made his way home and went straight into bed.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

The Cruise

A porthole to look out of, crest upon crest, wave to the ocean, spot the whale, it’d be a shock if he waved back now. little grey seal barking like mad, wearing his bow tie, what a cad.

Crescent of the moon will be gone too soon, replaced by the shade of a cow, riding on a spoon, the stars are dancing until dawn, He’ll be sleeping until noon. 

Punishment with self loathing, bloated torment, the Head Chef is smoking on the port, for him it is the end of the last resort, thousands overfed, fattened on roast pork, Mutton and Jam, ridiculing the savoury beef and calling it a sham. 

A view is beyond where the sky meets the sea, ignorant with wealth, sitting in the sun, drowning on whisky, he ‘bows down’, “yes sir’ says the courteous Philippino sage, pouring more scotch on a meagre wage.

Diamonds sparkle on the withered old hand, beautiful sounds of classical genre from the onboard band, away into the night her lovely gown glistens, dancing a waltz with the braided   Captain Sissons.

What a scene when the ship comes in, friends and family standing nigh, cheering and waving flags raised high, in all its splendour this marvellous boat, wearing a grand whitened coat. Passengers pleased to be ashore, not sure why, how or what they went there for.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

A question of safety

One fine evening while strolling through the park, I lost track of time and it began getting dark, my thoughts went astray to another summer day, ‘ we were having a picnic under a tree’, some awesome memories came rushing back to me, while enjoying the flavour of a delicious pork pie, I looked way up into the sky, the tree began shaking vigorously, the wind blowing high, a damn conker fell from its sty and landed straight, into my left eye.

Blinded through the month of July, I felt like a one eyed spy with a monocular kind of view, like a pirate without a Parrot, a stew without a carrot, with my one good eye, I was only able to amble, while passing a bramble, I did narf cause a racket when I caught my blooming jacket, tearing from the razor sharp thorns, so not funny at all, tugging hard to get away, a thorn broke off in the knuckle of my finger and there it will linger, throbbing away but there it will stay until another day.

By order of the doctor in the inaugural part of August, the sun at its peak, a rest I would seek, feeling tired and meek, I fell asleep, I woke up at two, cream well overdue, burnt to a crisp like I’d been on a hob, my chest so sore was beginning to throb, a cold shower at night but I could not sleep with my eye, the thorn and a blister on my chest, I could not get any rest.

The next day did not come fast as I lay awake all night, I wasn’t fit to last, Getting up with careful thoughts put on my T-shirt then my shorts , I decided to have a nice gentle walk, arranging with a friend to see a show, though first I went for a pint in Bow, after one, two or three, I stood up to go, a delivery of barrels rolling down slow, I did not realise and did not know the next step I took I fell down the hole, Landing in the cellar hard, with no time for a calling card, I ripped my arm on a peg , so bloody and red, with my other cuts, burns and bruises, bump on my head, I’ve yet to mention, my broken left leg.

The moral of the story is easy when said, if you don’t want to have all these injuries, burnt, blind, with a broken leg, damaged clothes, nearly dead, the best thing that you could do is not to get up, stay asleep and stay in bed.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Wake up World

Silence the heavy birds, the rusty old rails, floating engines empty with the raising of the sails, manufactured motor cars an average of thirty grand, Carbon dioxide levels raining acid on our land.

Rain forests survival, essential for the earth, destroying every living creature in this open planned Girth, deforestation mass, a de-oxygenation catch, light another bonfire with another wooden match.

I’d like to tell you a farce of a boy that could not breathe, lived with chronic asthma, ‘til the age of twenty three, Mum was a Smoker, Dad was a drunk, Coal completely smokeless but his lungs were covered with gunk.

The government are clever, making fossil fuels Clean, Standard healthy Tax free driving for the wealthiest and mean, the poorest are to blame so make them pay more, cruelest  unnaive trick by the rotten to the core.

There’s not much fish left to buy or send, the use of plastics, coming to an end, Oceans of filth, decayed the reef foul, the death of capitalism must be now, the greed be over or the planet will die, there will be no home for the children in the future, no clouds left in the sky.

The Village

Standing in openness at Woodmancote all alone without hope a feeling of love in my heart acceptance of a brand new start I had never seen th...