Wile away, while I am away, waste your time staring all day for you might miss something if you turn away from the fireplace clock that ticks and tocks from June till May.
The futures in the past, if we’ve learnt from our mistakes, fashion once again bell bottoms at a stake, not likely with those high waists.
I keep fit, thinking hard about it, that poor horse has a bite on a bit, like chewing gum, what an ache in the jaw with a gnaw, better than a bite in the head or the bum
Once upon a time when I did not have a dime (or a penny) could pull a piece of string through a needle, now twine is like a rope, I hope I get that letter from the queen. I hope.
Heads gone crazy, busy or lazy, I cannot clear my mind, “no I’m going to town, what’s with the frown, “no I don’t remember booking that circus to see a damn clown” . “I know he is five and it’s his birthday, oh he is six, is he my grandson?, no need to get shirty”, where did it go?
It’s despicable, unpredictable, Tuesday night I went for a walk and was hit by a fool on a bicycle, he never apologised, not a word, worst thing is he never heard the rude things I called him, it was dark, there are 25 thousand traffic lights in the uk, where was I ? Okay.
Look in your wing mirror, a little bump could cause misery to an unsuspecting jerk on a motorcycle, my, my, red is a beautiful colour, depending on your point of view.
0800 3627784 been buying PPI since 1984, “no I haven’t had an accident”, “JW take your foot from my door” remember religion can be a bore, yes, the beatles were top draw, "you throw the dart mate and ill keep score". "Please take me off your List!.
light a candle for your friend, he’ll never send the message, he could not send or eat dinner with us again. I’d love a fish tank, 500 gallons should do it, no I can’t swim.

The futures in the past, if we’ve learnt from our mistakes, fashion once again bell bottoms at a stake, not likely with those high waists.
I keep fit, thinking hard about it, that poor horse has a bite on a bit, like chewing gum, what an ache in the jaw with a gnaw, better than a bite in the head or the bum
Once upon a time when I did not have a dime (or a penny) could pull a piece of string through a needle, now twine is like a rope, I hope I get that letter from the queen. I hope.
Heads gone crazy, busy or lazy, I cannot clear my mind, “no I’m going to town, what’s with the frown, “no I don’t remember booking that circus to see a damn clown” . “I know he is five and it’s his birthday, oh he is six, is he my grandson?, no need to get shirty”, where did it go?
It’s despicable, unpredictable, Tuesday night I went for a walk and was hit by a fool on a bicycle, he never apologised, not a word, worst thing is he never heard the rude things I called him, it was dark, there are 25 thousand traffic lights in the uk, where was I ? Okay.
Look in your wing mirror, a little bump could cause misery to an unsuspecting jerk on a motorcycle, my, my, red is a beautiful colour, depending on your point of view.
0800 3627784 been buying PPI since 1984, “no I haven’t had an accident”, “JW take your foot from my door” remember religion can be a bore, yes, the beatles were top draw, "you throw the dart mate and ill keep score". "Please take me off your List!.
light a candle for your friend, he’ll never send the message, he could not send or eat dinner with us again. I’d love a fish tank, 500 gallons should do it, no I can’t swim.