Friday, 27 January 2017

It fell

It fell a long way into the depth of an upturned spire, a cross of Christ the lord crucified upside on.
Falling and falling, flowing downwards around the shape of barley twist, begging to catch a barb on the way, yet missed. forgotten memories, names long gone even the one with the consideration of a song. The chemicals not working, barbiturates all the same, forgotten the tune, word as a name, tumbling on into darkness lay asleep or dead?, it's all going on inside of the head, only one can tell for the thoughts still trouble, treasured history among the rubble, lights long fading in to dark of night 
love to be saddened the lessened to share
But what's the bother now, not a soul alive cares.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

The last time

He recalled a reflection of his own history, it was brief although he had lived more than one life, in his time. He remembered his children, they needed his love so much when they were young, now all grown up living their own lives in the way they wish to live them, they had wonderful children of their own, his grandchildren, his future generation, carving a way forward, more precious to him than they  could feel.

The love of his life is beside him, clenching his hand with her slender pretty fingers, knuckles holding the gold rings stopping them from falling off, she is weeping yet accepting that fate must have its glory, he is so tired now, the pain in him is ill conceived, striking sharply. The nurse speaks quietly to his passion, he cannot hear what is being said however a thin tube is brought over to the bedside and a bag with Clear Liquid inside is placed on a hook, a syringe driver is put into his arm with the tube attached, the liquid flows through the small tube. He cannot concentrate on anything with the dull, yet piercing ache through every part of his being. As his body consumes the liquid, he can feel an immense throbbing pain bound with a paradoxical feeling of no pain at all as if he was not in his own body.

 He takes a look around the room, there are many faces, his Mum, Dad, Children, Grandchildren, Sisters, Brothers, Uncles and aunts and others that he did not recognise, "Oh My, How.....?" then felt as if something or someone stopped him from speaking further, he turned to glance at his love, "you are so beautiful" he told her, he thought that from the first time that he had seen her bright smile across a darkened room although he always pretended that he had not noticed her at all, he reached to touch her short blond hair and wipe away the tear from her soft blue eyes, "it is what it is" he said quietly, "yes" she replied with that same bright but now feint smile that she had shown him many years before, he grasped her hand with as much strength as he could muster then felt no strength at all as his hand slipped away from hers, he had become very weak, with a longing for sleep at the same moment the pain binding his body appeared to lift out of him and dissipate into the light above the bed, leaving him with immense peace, he moved his neck for a glance at her beautiful face then shut his eyes.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

History of a decent man

Catch a thief by the toe, watch him die for tales of woe, burdened by the birthright genes, poor as muck the stealing fiend, bread for dinner, potato for stew, hardly enough for me and you, he feeds his family that's the score, then walks to work at half past 4, twelve hours striving for not much pay, goes back home to sleep in hay, fortunate enough to pass some bread? or wildly wicked and hung till dead!. Judged as dirt by those in power who live so well in ivory towers.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

I’m not putting up with that! 

"I'll slap him hard for thieving off me"
beat him with a stick for telling lies
One,two, three, now he will see"
"he needs conditioning, the unruly pesk"
"for bunking off school 
not sitting at his desk"
"that boy is useless!
he belongs in the trash"
"now he has drugs and plenty of cash"
"I'll show the thug the back of my glove
there is nothing wrong
with a bit of tough love".

The boy hardly winced or felt any pain
he did not care if he was hit again
desensitised by the surroundings
from a violent life case
thumped by his parents,
and punched in the face
burnt by cigarettes for wetting the bed
alone in his room and hungry for bread
left for so long, close to death
then beaten and bruised for things 
he had said, like "mummy I'm hungry"
always alone and quite often sad
angry, confused, self harming and mad

now going back 
to the first verse in my rhyme
he was put in care
when he was all but nine 
society's problem, ignorant bliss
the boy had not known a hug or a kiss
"give him a smack", advice by some
"shut him in his room 
he will come to no harm"
"grab him, shake him, always be calm"
"make sure not to leave
a bruise on his arm"
carers, sharers fostering dues
no wonder the children are so confused
care is patience, love is Devine
happiness is the child's needs over mine

Monday, 30 May 2016


The unclean are omitted, 
a different view cast aside, 
there is no place in England 
if you are from the other side
judgemental press, hide behind a lie
fabulorised stories, tut tuts and sighs
they say "how dare you be disabled, unemployed or high when a decent working man cannot afford to fly".

Look to your store with a shiny clean floor welcoming people in, filthy at the core
structured music, displays colour bright,
see beneath the counter,
something is not right.
At the back, in the yard,
the staff are fit to drop,
for twelve hours standing 
in this low paid shop
dog ends still smouldering,
behind the building litter,
while the person in the uniform 
cannot afford a babysitter.

Caught by the clock for a long time 
Invisible chains that once were not mine
start at eight, finish at nine, 
whatever happened to all that time
the futures good, the futures bright 
make sure to wear clothes that fit just right. undercurrent, pinned by stress
why don't you wear
that long white dress?

Go to the funeral of my best friend, Strange,
coz I thought he was on the mend,
everyone said 'he is sick in the head'
now they are all being kind, 
now he is dead. 
hypocritical bastards it's time to leave
walk out alone, a chance to grieve

everything is nothing, nothing is space
I don't really belong in this awful place
Is everything I know in life not credible?
Is it all animal, mineral or vegetable?
shallow lies the fallen kind
Incredibly stupid, completely blind
frightened of being left behind

Sunday, 3 April 2016

From the ground up

I plastered a hole, more appeared 
no matter how smooth or sheer another hole appears, cracks all around plaster on the ground
The neighbourhood shook, walls fell down yet houses stayed up.
Empty shells with souls corrupt.
smiles upon faces outward grins tasteless in their hearts 
evil in their thoughts, 
contemplated graces
poor souls are in slavery yet the chains are bound and kept, twisting in all directions, pay the largest threat
A stench is in the air, protruding from the ground, cleaners sweep the streets 
scrub the pavements down
wash all the curtains, paint all the cracks, triple glass in plastic Windows the stench is still around 

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Have a shave

It takes all sorts to make this world
So pleased That I'm not one of them.
Crowns to gowns, down low to downs
Moorish and boorish unforgettably poorish but who gives a fuck when he's covered in muck, the class of man the same when he's run out of luck, or is it?
give up freedom, pay your tax,
eat rich food, cholesterol is fat
like mmmmmcds, kfc's
Cream jam scones and cups of teas

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...