Sunday, 15 November 2015

I hear the Woodpecker

Hear the sound of a baby crying
the baaing of a sheep
a gentle sound of wheezing while
you lay asleep

A rustle in the treetops
thundering of the rain
whistle in the chillin' wind
tears through a sorrowed brain

Darkness is a torture
as if we are but blind
exhilarating journey 
of a hazardous kind

The hooting of an owl tells the
screeching of a bat 
"hear that captured rabbit scream,
he's caught in a foxes trap"

wonderous sounds of life
delightful adrenalin fright
fills the world with peaceful joy
through shattered sleep at night

tired in the evening
exhausted in the day
depression grips the dead inside,
he has a peculiar way. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Love is peace

individual terrorists kill
pathologically, abnormal 
aim at will
theologically twisted 
pour tuer l'innocence
evil bastards do not feel

peace loving Muslims, Christians too
should stand together to deny you
group of devilry have no place 
upon this earth for the human race
les emmener a' l'enfer
evil disgrace

lavage de cerveau par le mal
save the world with love
use it as a power
from the Lord above
they shall not win 
with a Kalashnikov 

Monday, 9 November 2015


Virtual command incorporates artificial intelligence, play a game, score a win,
artistic imaginations locked in, 
then begin.

Organic computers reading books, correct Childrens future spelling, mathematical logarithms, "you should know this your five years old!" 
round fat futuristic race, humanity lazy, keep up with the pace, "please lift your feet" the robot will ask with a smile on its face, networked killing machines linked to control the human waste. 

Control biorythms, great machines, mental reasoning to program likewise hand it over to trilobites of microbiological technicality, write the program for eventuality, leave it to them, then 
forget the ability. 

technologicaly advances beyond the plan
Authorise computers to reason with man
Hand them birthright, Citizenship main
give permission to control the game
humanity over joyous, pursue to be gods
hypocritically arrogant, 
self righteous sods

"bright endeavour from where did you come?", "I came from the place, a birthright of son, they seek perfection
but none they will find, the human race 
is far too unkind". "oh bright endeavour what shall we do?", "let the light have its pleasure to see the work through","microwave the planet be rid of its host, peace reign on Earth",
"when man is a ghost".

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Wear a poppy?

Though I forget not, the least I can give
succumbed to the moment of loved ones distress, I weep with heart fullness address.

Every son blindly into war, courageous at a score, death doth not become a pure boys heart, he never so young was meant to depart.

Adorn a poppy not for the pleasure of conflict, nor for the conflict of pleasure, nor for the worth of having a measure. Adorn a poppy if one must for the innocence of a youthful gust.

If one must die, a necessary cause or just, not a decision of a greedy must
fight against repression of soulful will
Not the chance of a financial kill
we have enough ornaments,
on a window sill.

This day gives for a child who blindly gave his life, for the husband of a grieving wife, for the soldier who lived and died by the knife, one cannot repair a heart with mournful blight.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Same year, worlds apart!

1935 when you were born,
like a fall from grace, you captured us all.
you loved everyone, everyone loved you,
precious as a child, sensitive and brave, Doodle bugs dropping wave after wave, you got me through when I heard King Creole, I had a clean home not a shit hole.
The Angels were singing 'Love me tender' when you went with God to his big wide home, you could be peaceful in the valley and quite unknown.
judgement day would not come for you that day, for you were welcome in heaven anytime, come what may.

you were generous, caring, without fault, you sang as though you were an angel 
I heard as your biggest fan, I have always felt 'Lost', even more now your not here, now I am a man, I find it hard to stand
yet I will!, If it is gods plan, I will stay here till' my end to meet with you again
an Elvis fan and a loving son, most wonderful woman that lived in my eyes, 'My Mum'.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The November Line

Witness the intensity of planets this week
perception of a highway into heaven
Path to the earth, distant from the moon
destination to the stars, elapse too soon
"step up, step up" each person see
a serendipitous shift in ones destiny

Blackness' o'er the land and wide 
ubiquitous, far-reaching, sound
content to shred the fear to hide
bloodened be the stain abound
inception be an eerie place
birthright of the Satan race

grace' take us fast in our sleep
deliver us swiftly from the world
Oh'liberate us from the Devils keep
as lambs we follow into hell
the teacher knows his pupils well.

Monday, 2 November 2015

I write coz

I write to the moonlight, I write to the stars,                   
I write about sorrow, I write about scars,                
I write when I'm happy, I write when I'm sad,
I write about feelings that drive me half mad,
most of all I write to be me, 
to travel to places, set my life free
I write to Christians, aethiests and Jews,
Consistently write the wrong words to you
the featureless face hides a mannequins grin, 
the soulless echo of words deep within,
I write of the teenagers in romantic sin
party animal people pissed up with gin
mostly I write for the gluttonous bin
now look at the fucking state I am in

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...